View Full Version : eye problems.

21-07-09, 21:50
I stated in a previous post that I am worried about having a brain tumor. I mentioned weird black dots and weird spark like dots coming and going in my vision. My brain tumor anxiety actually started about a month ago because my vision wasn't as clear as normal, and my eyes just didn't feel like they usually do. I feel like I'm also seeing a dark shading over certain areas in my vision. That's really the best explanation I have of this. I am going to an eye doctor within the next week or two.

Can anyone explain what could be causing all of this? Does this sound like eye strain and would glasses make this better?

21-07-09, 22:02
I had all these symptoms last summer, and I too assumed it was a brain tumour. I went to the opticians and was told I needed to wear glasses, nothing more serious than that. The floating black dots and flashes are perfectly normal, everyone gets them from time to time, but you don't tend to notice them unless your eye is in discomfort for some other reason, because your brain can ignore them. I'd strained my eyes from staring at a screen, they felt uncomfortable and I began noticing these dots, as well as a pounding headache! Glasses fixed everything! Go and have an eye test, and try not to worry! :)


21-07-09, 22:27
thank you soo so much! this made me feel tonss better. i'll definitely go get myself a pair of glasses

21-07-09, 23:10
When you go for glasses do go to a proper optician and get a good eye test not get then over the counter in a chemist shop. A proper eye test is wonderful health check up for multitude of disorders not remotely connected to your eyesight as well as checking your eyes are okay as well.

Good luck

21-07-09, 23:26
Yeah, definately go to an optician, buying over the counter reading glasses it's easy to end up with the wrong strength which would just make things worse, and a proper check up should set your mind at rest :)

21-07-09, 23:59
yeah, i'm definitely going to an optician and see what he/she can do for me. will using a computer/watching tv before i get the glasses make my vision any worse? when i'm not out, i'm usually using either so it's difficult to avoid them.

22-07-09, 11:54
A couple more days/weeks won't make it worse in the short term, no, but it probably won't be very comfortable eye strain wise, especially if it's giving you headaches.

22-07-09, 21:36
yeah, it really isn't too comfortable. i've limited my time for using my computer. i keep getting this weird feeling like there's a part of my vision that i'm not seeing or somethings blocking it faintly. its difficult to explain. has anyone experienced that and when i get glasses will that be less noticeable?