View Full Version : A trip to very near the bottom of the wave today

22-07-09, 02:26
OK, I'm just going to go ahead and post my bad experience today. No replies required but any similar experiences would be appreciated. I'm a 50 yr old married man, two 20-ish grown kids who I love more than life itself.

(My 4 week severance from Effexor, 112.5 to 0mg, ended last month. I'm still feeling some withdrawal symptoms.)

I had scheduled a very critical business meeting this morning.
Me, a big box guy (multinational, quality in everything we do and all that) and the 2 other participants, small business.

One of the participants completely hung up the 4 part agenda on the 2nd item with a senseless request that we all sign a legal document that was a complete piece of crap. I know with certainty no one should this sign voluntarily.

After 2 hours of what was like negotiating with children I got up and ended the meeting. I drove home and, once there, felt myself sink deeper and deeper into depression. The closer I got to the point of no return (the significant depression I suffered last year) I start to become anxious about my ability to stay away from the edge. I walked around, tried to not cry nor call a friend nor call my psychologist or health professional(successfully).
I received an email from my father with a an old old picture of my grandfather's house ... a happy and safe spot for me when I was a kid. Perfect timing on that.

Beyond that, I 'miraculously' (I'm not religious at all) found the inner strength to stay away from the edge.
Having found a pattern of strong thoughts, I went about my day's business for another couple of hours.
The wife came home and I unloaded my frustration on her(she was nice enough to listen empathically) and then I went for a drive.

When I returned, I was more sleepy,tired, exhausted than I can ever remember.

That's all ... All in all, a good experience I suppose.
Success and victory and hope and ligt are the main words which come to mind right now.

I hope your day was memorable as well, for all the best reasons.

22-07-09, 08:02
Hi Stronger - I loved your post - you have developed some very effective coping mechanisms!

This was really useful for me to read, to see how you have dealt with a difficult time - I struggle sometimes to realise that I don't have to be a victim of my own thoughts and that I can generate a 'pattern of strong thoughts' as you have done...sometimes I just need reminding of this


22-07-09, 08:39
Hello Stronger,

Your post has reminded me of how depression and anxiety can hit me so easily following frustrating episodes with people, authorities etc. I know that I can put my heart and soul into what I believe in etc, and when someone gets the wrong end of the stick or tries to undermine a basically good thought/intention/idea that's when my mind clicks into my "the worlds gone mad" syndrome and I start spiralling downwards!

I shall try to make a point of remembering how you dealt with your meeting and overcame the triggers that could have pushed you over the edge! Thanks!

Hope you're feeling much better and refreshed today!!
