View Full Version : Section 5 Referal

22-09-05, 22:39
Had to see an independant doctor today regarding my hand injury, must admit it has chewed me and probably why i havent being on site for the last week. Went in trying to be so positive as it happened at work etc only to be hit with my sickness regarding my anxiety over the last 7 years. Suddenly all the confidence i had went to rack and ruin.

He asked about my time i took off when Sam was abused and when my dad died etc. I coped, but i had to but then he said i qualifed for disability under the act for disabled people, at the end i asked him what that meant as suddenly my career, salary had disappeared in what experience i had, but he explained that after suffering for 5 years i should be classed as disabled under the act. I did ask what that entailed and he said it was for my protection as was a underlying problem and employers couldnt disregard that. But bearing in mind i was there to see him to see if my condition was fit for medical retirement i am at a loss. Will this benefit me or not, as i have no idea. I know i have a problem with anxiety, as we all have in our lives but to be told that i register under the disability act was a shock.

If i had being disabled it wouldnt have shocked me and i would have hoped to hear that but i am so used to the prison service knocking a mental illness that i was shocked to hear the doctor tell me that they have to treat it just the same.

I know i have rambled on and not asked a specific question but at the moment i am not sure what to ask as this has come out of the blue as i went for an interview with regards to my work injury to my hand.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

22-09-05, 22:44
Hi Sal,

sorry I cannot advise you here, but if you are a member of the POA can they advise you thoroughly??

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

22-09-05, 23:00
Hi Sal,

I guess this means you may have a change of career ahead. If your hand isn't strong enough to deal with your current job, or your anxiety is too consant at this job then it is indeed best if you can have a planned phase out perhaps back to your previous light duties and then out of the prison so you assess and plan your next career.

What sort of career do you think you might like to look at doing next that would interest and stimulate you and give you plenty of job satisfaction ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-09-05, 08:56
Hi Sal,

Not sure what to say here, other than see how things pan out but if a change is in the air would it be such a bad thing????

You'd be great at so many other jobs Sal especially with your listening skills and understanding nature. I'm sure there must be something out there that would be able to utilise them.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-09-05, 09:48
Hi Sal

Im not sure what to say either but change no matter how scary it feels at the moment could be a good thing for you to channel your emotions etc into something new. Not sure on the disability side of things perhaps the citizens advice could give you some info and advice on the best way forward for you. if you cant cope going downt there they do operate a phone service. Hope you get this sorted remember you are in control and only do what you feel is right for you.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

24-09-05, 14:27
Thank you for your replies. I contacted the independent doctor again with regards to his report he will be making to the prison service. He said that i shouldnt really worry as he sees no problems with regards to my hand once i have received further treatment. With regards to my anxiety he was rather puzzled why this had suddenly become an issue as i havent being of with anxiety for over a year and a half. He said they couldnt penalise me regarding this and as it was classed as a disability under the disabled act they would consider it as an underlying problem and if in the long run my career in the prison service did become too much for me it would be a benefit to have that on my side with regards to downgrading to a lower less stressful position in the service.

Now i am working on the male wings i have really settled down and love the job, so i dont want to even consider a job change. All i can do now is wait for his report and then the governor will see me as he has done with quite a lot of other staff, so in that respect i am not alone and it is favourable that i am back on full duties and getting on okay.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

24-09-05, 16:37
Hi Sal,

I work for another joyful government department, now aren't we lucky???!!!!!
Anyway, I think the doctor may be referring to the DDA which is called something like Disability Discrimination Act, which means that your employers have to make reasonable adjustments for you when you return to work, like accept that you may need time off for doctors appointments and that you may have bad days etc. My place have been quite good with me going back.
I was off for 18 months and went back over a year ago, I am allowed to start a bit later than everyone else due to my meds and can finish early as I get tired quickly and can't concentrate.

Have a look on the t'internet I'm sure you may be able to find something that will explain things a lot better than me or even try an occupational health nurse who are also extremely good and know all stuff on DDA and various conditions.

Take care hun,


24-09-05, 21:25
Hi Sal

Glad things are settling down at work and you are finding it better working on the wing you are on now.

It may well be the DDA the doctor was referring to, as I had some meetings with an adviser regarding this when my RSI became too severe for me to continue in my job. They try to liaise with your employers to see if there are alterations to your job, or alternative jobs within the organisation that would suit you better.

However, it sounds like you are coping fine at the moment and it is just there in case you need it at some point in the future.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

26-09-05, 10:13
If you've been depressed for a "considerable length" of time you are classed as disabled, as long term depression is a disability. Anxiety is not a disability on its own. This means you have more protection as an employee if you've been treated for depression over the years, but in reality a bad employer will use it against you, and unless your union are good at their job being disabled means little in Blair's bright new Britain.

Put this in the hands of the union.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

26-09-05, 10:33
hi sal,

i think the doctor was just covering all the bases and hopefully there wont be any problems. pleased to read your enjoying work and getting on with it .. tcx andrew

29-09-05, 23:13
thank you for your replies.

I am still awaiting my meeting with the governor and to see what the doctor has said. He definately said i would be classed as disabled as my initial problems started with depression.

I am still coping on the wing and really enjoying it so just feel at the moment i am in limbo land.

The union rep says i am in the best position out of all of us as i am on full duties but until i know the facts on paper i am bound to worry.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".