View Full Version : Sort of new here Citalopram questions

22-07-09, 11:26
Hi All,

I’m not really new here but it has been a long time since I have last posted anything on the forum as I was much better for a few years.

I have suffered from panic attacks for years but generally after treatment I can go for a good few years without any troubles. When they do come back it tends to be with out of the blue and can be quite bad with no know reason for the cause.

Last Thursday night I woke up out of the blue at about 1:30am with this tremendous fear that something was wrong. I just took it that it must be a nightmare or something and went and had a cigarette and got back in to bed.

After about ten minutes I feel back asleep and again I woke up ten minutes later with the same feeling of panic. Since this point it has, happened a good few times but it was generally at night and not throughout the day.

On Monday I started to feel really nervous during the day but I had a driving test so I just tried to convince myself that this was most likely the reason for me feeling this way. I made an appointment with the Doctor just to be sure.

He suggested that I was suffering from stress rather than depression and it was good that I recognized this early as it made treatment far easier and more effective. I was prescribed 10 mg of Citalopram and some sleeping tablets which I haven’t touched so far.

I started the Citalopram today but with great concern regarding the side effects as I don’t want to get worse because I don’t feel terrible just on edge. I’m also worrying about how long they take to work as I don’t really have 6-8 weeks.

I was wondering if anyone has experience of taking Citalopram for a second time and if so what it was like i.e. were the side effects not as bad, did they work quicker etc. If I remember right I started on 20 mg before so I’m hoping that by starting 10 it won’t be as bad.

Al thoughts and experiences welcome as I’m keen to get a better understand of what Citalopram will be like a second time around after a year of been free.



22-07-09, 12:50
Hi I tried citalopram a few years ago and had bad side effects and came off them.This time round,I was put on Sertraline with similar effects but workedd through them,when I went back to my original doctor who I prefer,she said Sertraline wasn't really for anxiety and panic and would I consider Citalopram again.I agreed, and she put me on 10 mg every other day instead of 20 mg which I had the last time.So far,I feel fine and am pleased with this in the hope that I won't get any side effects.Am due to go back today and she may up the dose to every day 10 mg.Because I feel quite relaxed now I may not go to 20mg at all.Hope this helps.


22-07-09, 13:33
Thanks Claire,

Hopefully you will be better this time around.

I actually feel better this time as I can still function and I'm managing to work and do every day stuff. I'm just trying to keep busy and continue with making plans to do things etc.

I have three small children and I'm determinded that they won;t see there dad turn in to a nervous reck. My eldest is keeping me company which helps as it keeps your mind in check.

My hope is that the 10mg has less side effects and given that i was on them before that they work quicker. If I was you I would up them to 15mg first as I did this before and this helped.

Robert :)

22-07-09, 14:03
Hi, I have been on Citalopram for a year now and just come off it. The side affects hit me just hours after the first tablet, I was shocked at how powerful they were! I felt absolutely awful but it only lasted a week.

Im now getting different side affects having come off them!

Hope the symptoms clear up soon and the tablets help you to feel better. I was so glad I decided to take them as they have really helped :D

22-07-09, 16:31
Thanks to both of you for replying.

Sadly after one day I have decided that I can't do it the side effects are to bad for me to handle. One minute I feel up the next I feel like I'm ready to crack.

It isn't fair on the kids to see me like this so I guess I just need to be brave and overcome it myself overwise I can probably kiss goodbye to my relitionship.

Thanks again to everyone for replying.
