View Full Version : As my username suggests...

22-07-09, 12:50
... I'm fed up and scared.

I gave birth to twins last September and since then I have virtually shut off from the outside world.

I have been diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder but after much reading I know it is an increasingly serious case of agoraphobia.

I have tried hypnotherapy and CBT but they didn't help. I was prescribed Citalopram but it made me feel so terrible that I couldn't take it after 3 days - I could barely function (not an option with 2 babies to look after).

I have now got a box of flupentixol in front of me. I've had them for 4 weeks now but I just can't face taking them in case I feel as bad as I did with the citalopram.

Just writing this makes me feel even more hopeless.

I think I have only had very subtle symptoms of panic attacks on most occassions (more serious a couple of times) but it is the fear of having a panic attack that is stopping me from leaving the house and living my life.

In the beginning it wasn't too bad because nobody really expected me to take 2 tiny babies out in the winter. Now though, I have a load of occassions (birthdays, etc.) which I really should be part of (for my benefit, the benefit of my twins and husband, and to prevent my family and friends thinking that I'm selfish and wrapped up in myself).

I hate having to make excuses - it seems to punctuate my smooth-running life stuck here in the house all week. I am starting to dread weekends as I know that I will have to make excuses.

I have done a fair bit of reading and I'm not sure if it has helped or not. I feel more informed but that isn't always a good thing when you're not thinking clearly is it?!?! I find Claire Weekes books absolutely brilliant but I can't find the balls to face the feelings and accept them.

I am determined to beat this and see it as a short-term way of life but at the moment I can't see a way out of it.

So, that's me... Fed Up & Scared.

X :)

22-07-09, 13:55
Hi, Ive only just joined myself :)

I have a 21 month old daughter and one is enough so I can sympathise with your situation. I am a twin myself so I hear horror stories from my Mum about how hard it can be! And now I have my own little girl its even more apparent. When I go to play groups I always look out for the Mums with twins as I see them struggling to get in the door with a double pram or two toddlers. I think even places that are designed for Mums and babies can still forget about mums with twins. I like to help out and make sure theyre able to sit down and have a cuppa in peace, even though it means I have an extra one to watch!

Hope you manage to get something ut of this forum, see you around


22-07-09, 14:30

Welcome to NMP. First of all congratulations on your twins. You are having double the work of any mother and one is enough. Have you considered talking to your ob/gyn and describing your symptoms as it could be hormonal? If you have, there have been many here on this site who have felt like you and they will be here to support you. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


22-07-09, 18:57
Hi and welcome, Im sure you will get lots of advice here, You sound so positive so well done!!Like you say you see it as a short term way of life.There is a chat room like Tetley says which I think is really good,I know when I first joined here I spent hours in there and it benefitted me hope you find it useful. Welcome aboard

22-07-09, 19:45
Thanks everyone for your welcoming messages. Just knowing that you understand has made me feel better already.

X :)

22-07-09, 19:50
Kerry, it's really kind of you to help out twin mums - we need it!!!

I think the problems that you have described has been the main contributing factor to my problems. It is so difficult to go anywhere that it is easier to not go anywhere! Also, making a quick escape (due to panic) is not possible so again, easier to not go. Silly really as I, and my babies, are missing out on so much.

I hope the forum helps you too. Chat soon.

X :)

22-07-09, 22:05
:) Yeah I think its good to get out and go places but even with one it can be difficult working around feeding and naps!