View Full Version : Hello, newby here....!

22-07-09, 13:29
Hiya, my names Kerry, I just came accross the site whilst googling info on coming off Citalopram. And yep Im getting lots of the same horrible symptoms as described in the thread I found! :ohmy:

Im 28, married with a little girl aged 21 months, I live in the Midlands. Been suffering with "post natal depression" for a over a year but to be honest I dont think its related to having a baby, just happened to come out at the same time. Was also having marriage probs at the time, family feuds, self cofidence probs, image concerns, paranoia and general stress of life and overwhelming debt. I am mostly back to normal now but having just come off citalopram Im getting weird side affects so thought Id pop in and see if there is any advice.

I have been to groups before but always found them a bit cheesey and felt self conscious and like I didnt deserve to be there, but then thats all part of my problem!

Hoping to meet a few people in a similar situation.


Veronica H
22-07-09, 14:19
:welcome: to NMP Kerry.

Citalopram leaves the system very quickly so don't go cold turkey as you may get side effects. It will need to be reduced gradually.


22-07-09, 14:42
Hi Kerry,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


22-07-09, 14:52
hi kerry
welcome to nmp loads of good advice on here Im from the midlands too.
good luck x deb

22-07-09, 16:53
Hiya slinky!
Give it a few more days it is getting better! Just been asda! Came home with vit B6, a B6 complex, omega oil and magnesium! At least am trying though it did take a lot just to go round asda which i did rather quickly! LOL:yahoo:

22-07-09, 18:45
Hiya and welcome, You will soon make lots of new friends on here and realise there are many others in similar situation, hope you manage to find lots of good advice and support,