View Full Version : Just accidentally went cold turkey off Citalopram....

22-07-09, 13:33
Argh thought I had a new box in the cupboard but didnt and have now been off them for 3 days, feeling rough and dizzy :wacko:

I have been on 10mg for about a year and Doc was due to take me off them now anyway so couldnt get repeat prescription.

Was wondering how long dizzyness etc lasts? Anyone else come off them and been ok?


22-07-09, 14:03
You would have been better to cut down to half a tab for 2-3 weeks .The dizzyness and withdrawals will last 3 weeks possibly longer.That said you may feel better sooner ,some people do . All the best Sue x

22-07-09, 14:07
Hi mate...
I went cold turkey on purpose and im on day 9 and still feel rough dizzy etc especially in the mornings but to be honest better than i felt the first few days! Have read on here it can take two weeks or more for your head to readjust so am hanging in there. Its tough though really bad weird headaches too...But am determined to try the drug free route and use some of the advice in the remedies section on here...Good luck mate

22-07-09, 14:16
Cheers guys, yeah I probably should have gone to the docs and cut down properly but to be honest I hate bothering them and feel they aren't interested anyway... paranoia I know!

I think I will just stick with it now as Ive gone 3 or 4 days cant remember and dunno if it would make sense to start taking half tablets now anyway.

Im also getting a pain in my back, not sure if its my kidneys dunno if thats familiar....? :huh:

26-07-09, 18:04
I have now been on 5mg instead of 10mg for 3 weeks now and I feel more shocking today than ever! Totally spaced out and so lethargic