View Full Version : Jaw pain, migrains and spasms under the arms

22-07-09, 13:38
Hi all, first post from a new member...

I've been diagnosed with IBS and an anxiety disorder to which im on antidepressants. They are working fine, they've reduced the anxiety pains I used to get, however I still get the odd bit of anxiety now and then.

The first one I get recently is this rather unpleasant spasm next to my left breast (im male and not sure if this is the correct term to use!) which then makes my left arm ache, and fill with anxiety. It also once I get the spasm, straight after I get a tingly feeling like a migraine at the top of my head.
I assume its anxiety, but it just feels odd.

Also recently, I've been getting jaw pain right across from cheek to cheek. My doc made me aware that is cardio related, however if it was heart related it would get progressively worse, whereas it just dies off after a while - Again, I put it down to possible strain on these muscles as i've developed insomnia and yawn all the time...

Insomnia has also caused me migraines which run usually from the top left of my head down behind my nose and left eye to the roof of my mouth. Its like an electric charge which is then followed by a headache. Does anyone else get this?

To put my mind at rest, does anyone else get any of these. Im struggling to get used to these last point re: insomnia so it would be good to know i'm not going crazy or getting some messed up arteries or anything like that lol


22-07-09, 14:21
rjb2214, welcome to the forum!! I think we have all had some sort of strange and unusual and frightening symptoms -- I feel I have almost had them all by now! ha! When I first saw your title the thing that ran through my head was to ask you if you have ever been diagnosed with TMJ. Do you also find yourself clenching your teeth when overly stressed (bruxism)? TMJ especially can lead to odd symptoms, and not just in your head. It can cause numbness in the arms, etc.! It can cause jaw pain, shooting pains in the head, numbess in the face. I mean just loads of fun for us anxiety sufferers!! :) If you aren't sure, I would suggest you check with your doctor or dentist and see if you have it. If you already know you don't, my next guess would be a lot of muscle tension. I know that sounds too simple, but it's amazing what that can do! Is there anything going on in your life right now that is causing you to be so stressed? I would look back and see if there are any triggers. If it continues, I would suggest seeing your doctor anyway, just for reassurance. But, I think you are experiencing the joys of anxiety, and exhausted nerves. Also, check out this website: www.anxietycentre.com (http://www.anxietycentre.com) and click on "anxiety symptoms." There is a plethera of symptoms on there that you might find reassuring. I use this as my "google." :) I hope I have helped, and please let me know how you are doing. Hugs, Wiskers ~