View Full Version : Bloating after eating, erratic Blood Pressure

22-07-09, 16:07
Health anxiety? me? never ;)

Thought I would throw this out to see if anyone relates.

I keep getting a really bloated stomach after eating, no matter what I have eaten. GP suggested I may have IBS but I have noticed that with this bloating feeling comes erratic BP readings.

I do have my own monitor, and generally my BP is around 138/83 (ish) but during this bloated feeling I get a pounding heart sensation, a little dizzy, feeling generally bleh and bp can climb to 167/99.

I am not overly anxious to be honest, just curious if anyone can relate to it.


P.S. If you know of someone who died of these exact symptoms? keep it to yourself ;)

22-07-09, 18:00

You've always been full of gas, what you on about lmao.

No seriously, I think maybe you are concentrating on it too much. Always thinking ok after I eat my BP is going to go up and I'm gonna feel strange.

Like you always tell everybody else, relax and try to stop dwelling on it. It will pass.

Take care
Natalie x

22-07-09, 18:59
hiya jaco

not sure why your tummy is bloating maybe ibs sounds like it to me ,but the blood pressure can be caused by the bloating ,i have had this before .
when i asked the heart doc i was seeing he said your heart rate and blood pressure can go like that because the bloating can put a little pressure on your heart kinda like pushing your insides up towards your chest he also said it was nothing to worry about and to chill .
not sure yours is the same thing but thought i would tell u anyway.

jodie x

22-07-09, 19:10
Hiya jaco,
I'm sure I read somewhere that if you have IBS the colon gets stressed and this momentarily raises the blood pressure.
Either that or you could be pregnant (trust me I'm a doctor)

mick :wacko:

22-07-09, 19:23
Oh joy :)

Sorry, not at your condition at the moment but something I can relate directly to.

IBS? Oh yes.
Bloating after eating? Ahuh.
Raise in blood pressure/heart rate? Yep.

I've had IBS for several years now I go through phases of what you're talking about. Hangs around for a few days/weeks, then goes away. I've always suspected that in my case what happens is I get a bit bloated, this shall we say fiddles with the nerves and away goes my heart, leading to higher blood pressure.

I've kinda got used to it, it goes away and comes back weeks or months later, it's really nothing to worry about. In fact this is literally a case of the more you focus it the more it will happen. Not necessarily because of the original cause but because you're sat there, post-food, expecting it to happen.

My advice is when you're going through this period eat smaller meals, if you have a recliner then lean back so you don't crunch up your belly after eating, this should stop the bloating affecting nearby nerves so much and triggering your heart going into overdrive, if not that then lie down for 10 minutes until things settle down a little (though this isn't a good idea if you have any acid indigestion problems).


22-07-09, 19:46
Jaco - try those activia yoghurts or drinks for the bloating. Seemed to help me.

22-07-09, 20:04
Cheers for the advice all :)

Pregnant you cheeky muppet Mick, if I am? I am naming it after you, Father Dougal ;)

I think you are right Chris, it comes and goes but I might try cutting out certain foods.

I might just do that Nic, a bit of friendly bacteria never hurt no one :)

Cheer all


22-07-09, 21:53
Stop taking your BP.
I don't understand why you need a home monitor- its not good for you. If you don't have BP problems there really is no need. You are obsessing about the readings thats what the increase in pulse & bp is!

Throw away the machine!

22-07-09, 22:50

I have suffered with this since I was a child. I found a inexpensive remedy.

Try not to eat heavy meals before a lot of activity ,save the heavy meals

for latter in the evening when you can relax. Also be sure and keep a cold

soda for after your meals so that you can expel some of that gas. It helps. really...

I don't even like soda but keep it around for meals. Also don't monitor your

blood pressure at home. Its not good for you and with the anticipation of

checking your blood pressure ,its going to go up.

I can get my blood pressure to go up just by thinking of checking it , also

my pulse.

Anyway hope this helps . I don't think its anything to worry about but try

the soda and keep heavy or sweet meals until the evening when you are

more relaxed and settled . It might help

22-07-09, 23:20
Looking4answers, thank you for the advice :)

22-07-09, 23:41
You are more than welcome! Hope it helped ...:-)

23-07-09, 08:52
I get bloating after each meal, and it's very uncomfortable. I suffer from ibs, so I know that's what causes mine. I no longer eat wheat and that helps somewhat to lessen the bloating, so it could be a food sensitivity issue for you.

Try keeping a food diary, that would tell you if it's worse after any particular type of food and that may give you an idea of what is causing it.

Hope this helps.

RL xx