View Full Version : For all you HIV worried people

22-07-09, 17:02
While I recognize that this is a serious thing that we should be aware of...when I sit back and count all of minutes and hours in my life I have spent fearing HIV, I get ANGRY!!! I was 10 years old the 1st time I heard about HIV and I grew up hearing the worst about it....it was drilled in my head for the past 22 years. After 22 years, one begins to just beleive what has been taught to them rather than question it.
Well, as a teacher, I try to teach my students to question everything because that is how we learn....so when my HIV anxiety really came to a head, I questioned the disease and I am SO glad I did. I just want to share this video because it made and continues to make me feel better about the real risk of HIV. I have made great friends here who have been a great support for me and it breaks my heart to see these wonderful people struggle the same as me.

Lisa and Gee thanks so much for all of your kind words and PMs that make me smile! You two ladies are so kind!! I hope that the next time you feel down, this may help you to see that while HIV is something we should not ignore, it is not something that we need to fear as much as we all 3 do.

Here is the link to the 1st part of video.....there are 12 segments, so after you watch part one, click on the other segments to the right of your screen....it is long, but it is a video well worth watchng. Perhaps it is time for us to question what we are being told instead of just eating the BS fed to us and living our lives in such fear. Thanks again ladies and I hope this helps just a little to ease your fears!!


22-07-09, 22:59
hey Hun! Ur welcome 4 any help I've given trust me u & lisa have been a MASSIVE support & help 4 me!!
I will defo peek at these vids tmw

23-07-09, 12:47
I feel the same, stressed32 and Gee, you are both a massive life line!

Thank you so much
