View Full Version : New one!

22-07-09, 17:27
Hiya, I've already done one thread, but im still new too this.

I'm 19, living with my boyfriend in Scotland and my parents well dad lives in London, mum lives in Iceland. I think this is one reason why i feel alone...

But if anyone would like to talk to me about panic/anxiety attacks that would be great... Strange how much better you feel know and seeing there are so many people like you.


22-07-09, 19:11
Hi, Im sure after youve had a good look around the forum you will feel loads better knowing lots of others are in the same situation, welcome and if there is anything we can do to help please shout up or pm,

22-07-09, 19:39
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

22-07-09, 20:25

I'm new here too. I think, like you said, that not living near my family has added to my anxiety problem. Sometimes you feel that there is nobody there to help when you need it don't you?

Hope the forum helps us both.

X :)

23-07-09, 12:33
Thanks for the great welcome everyone, and FedUp&Scared yes thats exactly what its like, i just feel so happy that i have my very supportive boyfriend.


23-07-09, 13:08
Welcome aboard love
Am new to here too but have found it great here. I know what youre going through as i live alone and having someone to chat to makes life so much easier. I only been on here 2 days and already have had a few people who i look up or look me up and last night just laughed for hours with someone. Feel free to give me a shout anytime im around youre not alone!