View Full Version : some advice please

22-07-09, 22:00
Hi I am not an axiety sufferer but my partner suffers from anxiety and ocd, he has been on citralopam for over five weeks now. His mood swings are all over the place and his anxiety doesn't seem to be settling. At times he becomes quite nasty and a person that I don't like. Can anyone give me advise on how these tablets work and if it will take more time for the tablets to take affect???

Lion King
23-07-09, 20:41
Citalopram can make you irritable, its more the frustration that you want to feel better but don't know how or when you will, so you get stuck in a rut where you are sat waiting for something to happen, this makes the anxiety worse. It took me upto 8 or 9 weeks to feel 50% better, I am 17weeks on and I suffer probably 20-30% anxiety on a daily basis which is manageable.

Hope you and your partner are ok!


23-07-09, 22:20
Hi Shell...
Five weeks is no time at all and theres a pretty good chance your other half is going through hell at the moment. Mood swings are probably just one of the side effects that youre aware of. I put my wife through the ringer too and ill never thank her enough for putting up with me but it did get a lot better with time. Although we are divorced now but thats another story! LOL.
Give it time plus if it continues there is a chance they arent for him and may have to change to a different type...
Very early days tho....

24-07-09, 00:28
only going on what my doctor has said and my own experience, the first 2 weeks he may suffer loads of side effects but from what my doctor has said 2-3 weeks he should start to notice a difference (for the better)
maybe he should see his doctor and get something else hope this helps and good luck to you/your partner