View Full Version : weird mark on skin

23-07-09, 00:34
I've just noticed this mark, and am fairly positive it is 100% BRAND NEW> its on my left hip, and its really dark red,almost purple. does not fade when I press against it. about an inch across. looks like a nip mark or a lovebite but I know for a fact that my hip has not been nipped or...love.. bit. if that makes sense.

Its worrying me. It looks sinister. like a lesion or something

23-07-09, 07:54
Could you have been wearing anything tight or that rubbed at that area, like a tight pair of jeans or something? I get purplish bruiselike marks that look a bit like lovebites on my hips sometimes from wearing something tight for a long time. Could you have scraped/bashed/bruised the area without noticing?