View Full Version : Anxiety and Random Radiating Pains Throughout the Body?

23-07-09, 03:19
I have been having this shooting pain in my hand and fingers. (sometimes my legs too) It doesn't happen all the time but it usually happens few times during the day. The pain kind of radiates through my palm and other fingers and it feels like this sharp, needly, shooting pain that lasts for a second. Does anybody get this?

And also sometimes when im resting or sitting my legs move unexpectedly and im scared it might be tremor caused by Huntington or Parkinson's disease. It usually happens once or twice a day and never when im moving or walking. Like my leg just jumps for a second without me noticing or causing it. Could anxiety do this? Its like this sudden movement and lasts for a second or so.

i'm also tired all the time but that is due my anxiety im guessing. Im 19 and i have done a full blood test and a CT scan from head and 3 heart tests that all came back normal.

I do suffer from anxiety and not sure if this could be due to anxiety? anyone with Anxiety get these symptoms as well?

I did post this in yahoo answers and someone answered me and the answer is making me more paranoid about everything and now my health anxiety is causing me to freak out. Like im starting to think i have MS or some sort of numerological problem. This was her answer

It could be something neurological like restless leg syndrome or nerve pain. You should probably get checked out by a neurologist. You are describing nerve pain and anxiety doesn't do that. Anxiety makes you worry, OCD is a form of anxiety, so is being a hypochondriac or being paranoid or having some sort of phobia. All these things are related to anxiety but you are describing nerve pain and you could have carpul tunnel syndrome or something else.

23-07-09, 05:14
I too have what I would describe as nerve pain in my hands and feet. It comes and goes and is of varying levels of pain. I have posted these symptoms here before and been told by others that they have similar problems. I have read that anxiety can cause the brain to restrict blood flow to areas and thus effect the nerves. Books by Sarno discuss this. If it continues I would probably see a doctor but wouldn't worry too much as the things that could cause this are not fatal.

23-07-09, 06:28
Hmmm, what an entirely unhelpful answer given to you by someone on Yahoo. "Anxiety makes you worry..." well yeah thanks love but it does alot more than that too, would have been my response to her reply. If all anxiety did was make people worry then you know what? I'd not be here. It's when anxiety goes beyond the "worrying" stage and manifests itself in physical symptoms that most of us seek help.

Anyway on topic, I've suffered with what you'd loosely call restless leg syndrome for years, I say loosely as it's never worried me enough to chat to a doctor about and it comes and goes. Though on a side point there when I was on Fluoxetine last year it exacerbated it to the point it was every night and it'd keep me awake, Citalopram doesn't do it though, go figure.

Anyway I digress. Once anxiety turns into physical sensations (which the foolish Yahoo lady is completely oblivious to) it can and will affect all sorts of nerves, muscles, brain and body functions etc in all sorts of ways. You only have to read the Symptoms page (over on the left) or the multitude of posts on here about the variety of symptoms a typical anxiety sufferer has.

Personally I'd say you have nothing to worry about, most physical nerve issues tend to be less transitive than the ones you're describing and I'm sure the majority of anxiety sufferers on this board can relate to your pain in one form or another at one time or another.

Lastly I've suffered from anxiety that's ruled my life for five years, if I could go back to the stage where all anxiety did was make me "worry" then I'd happily do so.


23-07-09, 10:22
oh my. That reply would have freaked me out. Some people just dont understand how this makes u feel. i used to think people that got headache and thought it was a tumor were crazy, but since living with health anxiety for the last 3 years i know how frightened those people really are. its the worst feeling, but it does get better as u learn to understand ur not alone and u are completely normal.

The twitches in ur legs are a good sign. its when u least expect it so that means when u are most relaxed. As u relax mentally ur tense muscles relax and the twitshes are simply that relaxing. u wont get them whilst ur active cos ur muscles are doing their job.

Next time u get them try smiling because u know its a sign of getting better.


24-07-09, 03:27
thank you all

it was a relief reading your responses..today the nerve pain was much worse and my finger is kind of swollen now..i guess it happened in my sleep and i like twisted my finger or something..but you know how health anxiety is..it makes u think the worse case scenario..and the thing is the pain kind of radiates throughout my whole body like even my legs..i keep thinking i have some sort of neurological problem and would wake up tomorrow with my hands and fingers paralyzed..

i also feel very tired all the time. does anyone else get this? like i sleep 10-11 hours and when i wake up and go outside for 30 min or something, when i get back home its like i have been out for ages and i just want to sleep. Sometimes i sleep 10-11 hours and also take a nap in the afternoon for few hours. like i feel like my body is weak and i have no energy. Like my hands and legs feel tired, numbed, and weak all the time.

one thing that has also been worrying me is i have been getting this weird shooting pain behind my ears. it happens like few times a day and its like this sharp pain behind the ears and the pain lasts for 1-2 seconds and goes away. its more like the pain you get when you go swimming and water goes behind your ears. i dont know if thats anxiety related but i told my doctor once and he said i dont see any infection in you ears. im kind of fearing inner ear infection or some sort of brain problem pressuring the ear nerves and causing this symptom

24-07-09, 16:55
I can completely relate to the fatigue issues. I will feel exhausted when I shouldn't then I get the added bonus of not being able to fall asleep other days. Anyway, the ear thing isn't something I have had personally but I have read other posts that sound similar to what you are saying. Our bodies are controlled by forces in our bodies that get all out of whack when we suffer from anxiety over long periods of time. Even knowing this I still freak out daily and feel like I must have something horrible but not diagnosed. I can't watch tv since it seems like almost every show has someone sick or dead from something horrible. I was watching a baseball game this week and the announcer had to mention how the owner of a team died after being diagnosed with cancer 9 days earlier. That one sent me googling away even though I know I shouldn't. I actually lost sleep that night over the whole thing. Educating myself about anxiety and posting on this board are the only things keeping me going most days. If you want to, go see a doctor, there is no shame in that. Good luck and keep us posted on how you are feeling.

26-07-09, 21:00
Three days ago I woke up feeling pain in my right index finger. I kind of ignored it and it would just hurt sometimes when I did something in some positions like holding the mouse, typing on the keyboard and etc. Yesterday I woke up and realized my index finger is kind of swollen but not a lot. Like you could barely tell it was swollen. Now today my whole hands hurts like deep inside I feel this painful sharp pain and I think my finger is still a bit swollen. I don’t feel the pain all the time only when I get my hands into some positions. My right hand feels kind of weak and the muscles feel dry. What this could be? I have anxiety but I don’t think that is causing the pain. I’m scared I might have MS. Any ideas what this could be? not sure if its discolored right now but yesterday it seemed darker compared to my other hand. the pain is not always there but every like few minutes i feel this pain in my fingers and wrist and sometimes it moves up to my whole arm..i also get this sensation when you like write really fast for few minutes and your hands become numbed and tired i feel that in my wrist and that also moves up sometimes to my arms. My hand is more swollen compared to yesterday. My hand also feels very weak and stiffed and useless. My mom keeps telling me its just some sort of strain cause by sitting on the computer or sleeping on it or something. Im not sure though its kind of making me worried. I also get these random sharp pain similar to my right hand in my other hand and also legs but im pretty sure thats my anxiety doing this to me because im worrying so much about my hand that i feel the pain everywhere else on my body.