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23-07-09, 08:39
My son was confirmed with swin flu this week, and bless him he is fighting it and each day gets a bit better, one nasty cough though. I have had achy, painful muscles and joints especially my legs, nasty cough but no high tempeture so not sure if I have it or not. We have been so week we have not left the house since Tuesday.


23-07-09, 11:24
I feel your pain, I've had it for about a week now, but am starting to feel better now!
The news coverage is annoying me though, no-one has pointed out that 100's of people die every year from normal flu!
Anyway hope you and your son feel better soon :) and that some one is looking after you

23-07-09, 13:07
Glad you are feeling a bit better, I look forward to that. I have never had so painful muscles and joints I feel like I have run a marathon.

23-07-09, 15:15
ope he gets better soon
iv just got over this swine flu my partner starting to feel poorly now but putting his down to tiredness
im just glad im over all iv got left is chills n sore throat also my ribs are sore because of the coughing

23-07-09, 17:11
Glad you are much better too, I am improving and had a lovely sleep this afternoon, if really knocks the stuffing out of you. I too have sore ribs from the cough!

Did you get the achey, sore muscles and joints thats the bit that is sending my HA into overdrive?

Oh well time for another beechams :)

23-07-09, 17:25
Have vitamins and prebiotics.

23-07-09, 20:46
Thought I was having an unusually bad day with depression and anxiety. Have been increasingly tired and lethargic all day, feeling low. Got home and collapsed on the sofa. Other half made me get into bed before he left so he knew I was resting because I looked so bad.

Phoned my sister who had been feeling exactly the same (and come to the same conclusion as me that it was a bad depression day, we're rubbish at accepting we might be ill)

Now it feels like my temperature is rising, I'm getting achey, still tired but slightly less lethargic now I'm in bed, and have had a few suspect coughs...

Luckily the brother-in-law seems well so he's been sent out for supplies. Waiting until the morning to see if I am still feeling ill and then I guess I'll accept I might have piggy flu!

At least if I've got it now it's out of the way early on!

23-07-09, 21:18
yeh i was really achey still am a little and iv been like this since friday so nearly a week
it sent me into a full blown panic but i learnt to deal with it my cbt told me its good to have a panic attack because it will learn me to fight them better
and thats what i did i fought off that many with having piggy flu im a better person

the emetophobia is still here lol but im learning to live with it now getting easyer now

my parter has started to feel rough soooo looks like hes going to be having a few blanket days hehehe

24-07-09, 07:53
Still feeling rubbish this morning so done the NHS tickbox exercise and it's told me to stay indoors and get someone to get antivirals for me.

Last time I had flu it was utterly hideous for about 48 hours so I'm just waiting for this to get worse, but it doesn't seem nearly as bad.

Don't know whether it's Swine Flu or regular flu or just some flu-ey bug but I guess I better chill, relax and just see what happens.

24-07-09, 08:24
Ha! I said I should chill and relax and now I'm managing to get myself all worked up... not about being ill, but about taking time off work!

Don't actually trust that I'm ill. Feel like I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. Think that people will think I'm just being lazy and taking time off work for no reason. Think that people will think I'm making up my symptoms...

I hate being ill because I find it very hard to accept that I might be ill and get severly anxious about it. If it wasn't for Swine Flu & NHS advice I'd be forcing myself into work right now just to spend the entire day like I did yesterday feeling like a failure for not being able to concentrate and get work done.

I really do hate the way my brain works sometimes...