View Full Version : My bodies on fire,I'm not joking,I fell like I'm dying

23-07-09, 09:04
My chest is on fire!My ribs,my shoulders my back.I sneeze,pains shoot through me,I walk about and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm hoping to see doctor today. I was to go back on Monday but I can't wait. It was in relation to the pain under my breast and rib. Needless to say,the boob got better,the pain under it at the rib hasn't and has spread through my whole body. My partner smoothed his hand over my back really lighty and it felt like I was burning. He had to help me bathe the other night at 3 am in warm water to try and relax muscles or something as I couldn't move

I am so worried,I dunno what this is and thoughts are everywhere.

I literally think I am dying.

23-07-09, 09:27
Sorry to hear you are feeling like this wee mee, its horrible when your body feels out of control and you feel like you can't so anything about it. However i know you are a regular on here so you know deep down that this is anxiety and that there are a few tools we can use ti try and calm the situation down.

Think about you're breathing are you breathing really quickly and high up in your chest? Try and get into a comfy position and try slowing your breathing down and take bigger breaths into your tummy.

YOU ARE NOT DYING, you know that! Try and focus on some positives and try and break this panic cycle. I KNOW its easier said than done but you can do this.

Let us know how you are.

Take care

Laura x

23-07-09, 10:23
please please dont worry
i get all these symtoms and i know how scarcy they are, be strong you can fight this,i worry about dying all the time and one day i got so fed up that i thought so what if i die i would be free from all this and you know what it went.....your mind is so powerful,try to use it in a good way .....

be strong we will get through this together

24-07-09, 17:04
:hugs: thanks so much petals.

Update here.. Had to get chest x-ray.. and they did lots of blood tests and in the mean time need to take painkillers..

:( I dunno what is wrong. The doc thinks it is something to do with the cheset wall.

So fed up being sick x