View Full Version : Not again :(

23-07-09, 12:08
I've been on beta blockers for a few weeks now, and they worked really well, but the past few days I've been getting palpitations again and that and a really morbid conversation with a friend about people dying has brought back all my heart worries. I'm a 21 year old woman who is physically healthy, I have no reason to be worrying about my heart. So why can't I just stop it? I know how irrational I'm being, but it just won't stop. :weep: I had chest pain but it's completely gone, I'm starting to wonder if I was imagining it. I have a feeling I'm either going to go crazy or just drop dead.

I'm currently taking a 40mg propanolol tablet 3 times a day. Can I increase this without speaking to the doctor first?

23-07-09, 12:13
Do you think you can't stop because you keep thinking "I can't stop???".

What if you think "I can stop", every day until it becomes your truth??? It works, give it a month, then come back to me & call me a liar. I dare you!~

You are allowed to feel things. You are allowed to feel terrible for a while after discussing death. You are allowed to wait a while & let it pass on it's own.