View Full Version : Smear Test result:)

23-07-09, 12:49
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone on here that helped me when I was worrying about my smear test result.
Due to HA I have a fear really of anything medical now!!!! Anyhow I forced myself to go for the smear 2 weeks ago today.
This morning I got the result---they told me it would take 4-6 weeks so when i saw the envelope my heart was pounding and I was shaking----convinced the worst.
I am totally over the moon to say it is normal---I FEEL LIKE I HAVE WON THE LOTTERY!!!!!!!!
I had honestly convinced myself otherwise and I havent slept a full night for 2 weeks!!!!!
So all is good and I hope this will encourage some one else to go for their smear!! At least now I have 3 years peace on that score.
Thanks again everyone xx

23-07-09, 14:58
Glad you went for the test and the results were fine :D


23-07-09, 15:40
Great news! Well done

27-07-09, 20:12

Well done, it is very diffuclt waiting I had mine 2wks & 5 days ago and still waiting. Nurse said can take up to 8wks!:shrug:

Mel x