View Full Version : Day 10 cold turkey!

23-07-09, 14:06
Just thought id put a little note on my progress. Would have done it from day one but only joined a couple of days ago!
The first week was the worst no end of dizziness (though am not sure dizzy is an apt term for it). Indeed most of the side effects with ad's are very hard to describe. Then thare were body shocks or thats how i describe them. A complete dumbness or not knowing where i was which some people describe as confusion! Haha! And a very rough tummy which i wont go into in case youre having lunch!
Anway am on day 10 now and things are slightly better, though mornings are terrible and indeed didnt make it to bed till 4 this morning and then had to fall asleep in front of the tv! Strangely enough every time i was just nodding my body decided to wake me up with what i can only describe as shocks. Woke up every hour then finally got up and for at least a couple of hours didnt know where i was and poorly tummy again!
Anyway not too bad now, another day and as usual ill go to sleep tonight and hope tomorrow it will all be gone!! Dont we all do that?

23-07-09, 23:01
Argh got all this to look forward to then! :ohmy:

Im on about day 4, I think, my heads too messed up to remember! Im really loosing my marbles right now. Feeling very dizzy and weird, bit weepy and down, quite confused.. keep doing silly things and talking nonsense! HAving trouble typing too lol!

Hope you're feeling better soon :flowers:

23-07-09, 23:10
Hey mate no worries. I wrote that just after id got up and seems worst time. To be honest after the first week it got lots better. Im still having snags but a lot less and today aint been that bad at all. Its just a grim determination to do this thats kept me going and ive come too far now to go back! Keep in touch mate am interested to know how you get on. Am gonna try and post each day hopefully it will help others who dont want that stuff no more
All the best:yesyes:

23-07-09, 23:55
hi, i'm on day 9 alot of my symptoms have wore of now, still struggling to get to sleep till early hours and feel really sick for a few hours in the morning with the odd dizzy spell now and again,
my first 5 days were horrible i felt totally out of it, slept all the time, severe headaches/dizzy spells,
just hoping as time goes on all the symptoms fade COMPLETELY,

24-07-09, 00:04
Hi Blue
All sounds familiar...Lets all keep going!
Good luck love

24-07-09, 00:14
it's not a walk in the park, but i'm determined to get my life back, good luck to anyone starting or is taking citalopram, from what i have read the first week is the hardest, but does get easier.