View Full Version : lump in throat?

23-07-09, 15:47
I woke up this morning and it feels like there is something stuck or a lump in my throat right in front at the bottom where your collar bone is, I am getting very nervous over this since I have had many weird things going on this week. Also I started an antibiotic last night and not sure if that is what is causing this?

23-07-09, 16:46
a lump in the throat is a common and usually the first sympton of anxiety, and dwelling on it will make it worse. I've had it for the last 3 days or so in exactly the same place because i've been anxious about going back to work after being off sick for a while. The last time I had it I gave myself a sore throat because I kept swallowing.

At the end of the day, its just an annoyance. However if it gets worse as you take your medication sort it out, but be sure its not just the anxiety making it feel worse than it is - it could even be that you're subconciously worried about taking the antibiotics which has resulted in your brain concentrating on anxiety on the one place you didn't want it to! Try some relaxtion techniques, slow but not too deep breathing to a relaxtion CD, take a few sips of water as you'll probably be getting a dry mouth often too (which again is part of anxiety)

I've learned that a lump in the throat is nothing as i've had it so many times, for days sometimes! and that even if it feels tight, that it will eventually go away if I calm myself down or just focus away from it. Anxiety is a nasty mind game, it convinces you of things you don't have. As I speak to you now I swallowed and it felt like a stone was in my throat, my throat itches a bit, and it made a loud gulp sound, but I know that its just anxiety and will just get over it! I admit i've been focusing on it a little, so i've probably made it worse, but hey deep down I know its nothing. Try and do the same if you can :)

Note the following taken from this sites "symptoms" page


Throat tightening/Choking/Swallowing problems

What you feel:
Often one of the first symptoms of anxiety. People complain of feeling as though they will choke or being strangled. In reality its not nearly so dramatic - the muscles in the throat contract and salivary glands produce thick mucus leading to a feeling of restriction around the throat, it can produce a feeling that you are having difficulty swallowing or breathing. In fact you are not having difficulty, it just feels as though you are. You also get a dry mouth and it can feel like you cannot drink but you can.
You feel as though there is something stuck in your throat or sometimes feel there is a lump in your throat. Other times you may feel that you can barely swallow or that there is a tightness in the throat, or that you have to really force yourself to swallow. Sometimes this feeling can lead you to think that you may suffocate or get something stuck in your throat.

What causes this:

When in danger, stress biology produces a tightening in the throat muscles which produces the choking or 'something stuck in the throat' feeling. When in a nervous or stressful situation, many people will experience this feeling. It is often referred to as 'a lump on your throat'.

There is minimal danger of choking or suffocating under normal conditions, however, some people are very sensitive to things in their throat and therefore caution should always be observed when eating. Chewing food thoroughly and slowly will prevent inadvertently swallowing something that may provoke someone to gag.
This symptom can come and go, and may seem to intensify if one becomes focused on it.

Hope this helps!

23-07-09, 17:22
Thank you very much!! I am having really bad anxiety this week and it feels like everything is bothering me this week and I feel like I am dying, I really appreciate the explanation of these things, it really helps when someone explains it the same way so I feel like I am not alone!

29-07-09, 10:36
please be aware that antibiotics kill the natural good bacteria in your mouth as well as the bad. This can result in developing oral thrush which can feel dry and as if you have something stuck in your throat. It is advisible to take a strong multivitamin also while you are on them to prevent loss of iron, and live (sugar free) natural yogurt as it is full of the good bacteria that is probably being killed off by the antibiotics.