View Full Version : Chest Pains Again !

23-07-09, 18:04
Hi im not to sure what to do at the moment
ive had weird pains in my chest for the last day or so
Im not to sure if ive pulled something while I was weight lifting
or if its to do with my heart or lungs :S
I went to hospital last year with chest pains and had a ECG test aswell
all came back normal
not to sure what to do panicing really bad :(


23-07-09, 18:42
stress does this hun xx

23-07-09, 18:51
been going through alot of it quite recently any ache or pain I get I worry :( get so fed up with it all

House fan
23-07-09, 19:07
Hi Shirtie

when you say 'weird pains' do you mean stabbing pains? Is the pain there constantly, and does it get worse when you press it or move from one position to another?


23-07-09, 19:12
hi sometimes its a fullness feeling other times like today its been an ache in the top left part above my arm pit and above my nipples and then i had a stabbing pain in the middle for abit and then it went, really worried me and made me panic. Its just one thing after another well it feels that way I always try and find things to latch on to little pains become hudge medical problems finding it hard to cope with :(

23-07-09, 19:14
that unfortunately is how anxiety works. Ever since my first panic attack I would get chest pain, muscle spasms, headaches, tingly arms (even some as bad as feeling of burning) and tingly legs. After a week of numerous attacks I thought enough is enough and I am now on the road to recovery via medication from my GP and counselling. The first 2 weeks or so on the antidepressants was a rollercoaster ride of emotions as they usually take a month to kick in, but i'm feeling a lot better bar the insomnia which is slowly going away, at the end of it all, i'd had enough worrying about it so literally thought "sod it" just get on with things otherwise i'll only get worse, and it seems to be working!

Anxiety is a cruel mind game, and whether you use will power, counselling or by seeing your doc for medication, its all beatable. At the end of the day, all thats happening is your body is filling with adrenaline, your bodies natural way of dealing with fear. Unfortunately whereas thrill seekers burn off huge amounts of adrenaline by doing their thrill seeking for example, many anxiety sufferers I beleive don't know how to get rid of it as we're all too worried to go out in case something happens, and because we sit at home, we think about it even more so the sensations get worse!

There always people willing to help and you need reassurance that you are not the only one suffering with anxiety, millions of people do :) Relaxtion techniques have helped me a fair bit, such as breathing exercises and CD's, maybe sign up for yoga. JUst some ideas for you!

23-07-09, 19:30
Yep, pretty much been there.

Problem is made worse when we are conditioned to worry about chest pains and pains in the left arm.

The pains I've had probably built up over time due to stress. The pains then lead to worry, worry leads to physical tension which leads to more pains, etc.

Talk to your doc about it and they can discuss anxiety. Whilst I've not had a magic pill to make it all go away, talking about it and trying to understand anxiety has helped.

Important thing I've found is to try and stop the mind going too far down the anxiety/panic road. Nip it in the bud, as they say.

23-07-09, 19:32
Hi I start uni in september so that should keep me occupied !! hopefuly
not a hudge fan of medication I panic when I take pain killers :/ Im constanly checking myself aswell for rashes I panic if I go hot or cold think I have the flu etc it feels like it never stops im thinking of going back to the G.P and asking if I can see someone to talk things over as I havent seen anyone in a long time hate asking for reassurance all the time.

23-07-09, 19:34
p.s. if you are offered beta blockers, it's worth taking them. No harm in beta blockers. They just chill you out. They're even often given to students for exam stress.

23-07-09, 20:22
I tried citalopram a few years ago didnt really suit me though all I was after was information shame I didn't find this site back then took me ages to figure out why I was feeling so strange and panicy think doctors should explain the symptoms more !

23-07-09, 21:23
hi iv allways got chest pain so i know where ur comeing from i dont go to gym now or swiming because i dont want the worry of chest pain i get it right in the middle of my chest im allways thinking its my heart my doc cant even put my mind at rest its allways symtoms that start my anxiety off

23-07-09, 21:52
Worth a try with a little exercise though. I found when I was getting this stuff last year, that it all went away during exercise. A sure sign that it's stress / anxiety and not some dodgy heart condition as the latter would probably flare up during exercise.

I tried citalopram a few years ago didnt really suit me though all I was after was information shame I didn't find this site back then took me ages to figure out why I was feeling so strange and panicy think doctors should explain the symptoms more !
I got a fairly useful leaflet on anxiety from the doc and a bit of a chat which explained many things. Though I'd found this site also. The Help topics here are especially good.

Citalopram and other SSRIs is something I'm trying to avoid at the moment. First steps for me were beta blockers (propranolol) and talk. SSRIs have been mentioned, but really I'm not depressed, just I get a flare up of anxiety for no real reason. Citalopram's side effects includes increased anxiety, so that's really not for me. At the moment I have conditioned the concious mind at least that there's really nothing seriously wrong and what to do to avoid a serious attack. The subconscious mind is another matter though. Hmm, maybe hypnosis... ! :D

24-07-09, 20:43
hi mate i have had these chest pains for a while now so i know how you feel i get them in the middle of my chest and like u i get anxiety with it all its body symptoms that set me off i packed up swimming and going to gym because I'm sick to death of worryings about the pain but iv also noticed that I'm also getting stressed about other little body symptoms DOT know if I'm getting worse has time goes on

24-07-09, 20:45
I get them in my chest, back shilders arms my CON says it stress from tensing up, relax.Try glenn harrold.