View Full Version : My Story

23-07-09, 22:22
Gosh where to start, basically for the last three years I have been in my own weird world which is not a nice place to be.
It started when I moved house and it now took an hour and half to get to work by public transport as I dont drive. I hated the journey and felt scared on the bus, could not cope with people sitting by me and I would feel sick having to make my way past people to get off. This then seemed to go out of control and I became paranoid about thinking people could knock my glasses and going out in public places became a nightmare. I hated people coming near me and just to have a hug with my hubby or friends I would feel sick.I am very conscious of my space and its gone to another level to the point where I dont seem to be able to judge distance and the space around me. Walking down corridors or through a doorway is a nightmare I feel everything is coming in and I get so dizzy. Opening a door, reaching into the washing machine, trying to take something out of a cupboard is horrible for me I feel sick and think I am going to hit my face. I have stood at the kitchen sink emptying the washing up bowl thinking that I could have hit my face. I put something in the oven and thought I may have hit my face and the annoying thing that I cant seem to stop myself from doing is then checking and checking over and over again, for example if i open a door and i feel the door was close I'll keep opening the cupboard and I know it makes the situation worse but its as if I have to keep checking. Work and home I never seem to be able to relax, at home sat on the settee I think that i can knock my face. In a car I just stare forward as I am frightened to turn my head to look out.
At work I sometimes try not to go to the loo as walking down the corridor and stairs is traumatic as the corridor is narrow and i feel scared that I am going to walk into the wall as I get so dizzy and feel like I am aiming to the side.
Everyday is a struggle. I feel so exhausted all the time and I get loads of headaches and dizzy spells. I also get so hot I feel like I am on fire. I get just a horrible scared feeling in side.
Even writing this I have freaked myself. I picked up the laptop and think I have hit myself in the face how stupid why do I do this. Its just this feeling that everything is so close I actually get scared of things that have not even happened.
Its nice to know there are people out there who understand. My husband is struggling to cope with what I am going through and snaps at me which does not help.
After months and months of waiting I now have a placement on an anxiety course at the hospital which starts end of September.
I so want to change and every day I try to fight myself to be normal but its so hard. Some days are really bad and I dont feel its going to end.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.

23-07-09, 22:28
Hey SamP, you are halfway there having the desire to change - hopefully the anxiety course will help - for now welcome to the site - great to have you here - there is loads of info and support which will get you from now to September..

Have a browse - sometimes knowing you are not alone can help enormously

23-07-09, 22:49
Hey Sam!
Welcome aboard...Am pretty new here myself and its helped me already just to know it wasnt just me. Loads of great people on here and lots of things you can try for yourself if you look around the site...Good luck