View Full Version : Deplin question??

24-07-09, 02:57
Have of you heard of or taken this? I was told that there is a very real possibility that my body does not absorb folic acid properly causing folic acid defency....which causes anxiety! I have a friend who is on it and swears by it. She has not had anxiety for over a year!!!! It is not a "medication" but rather a "medical food" and must be prescribed from a DR but I am gonna give it a go to try to get rid of my anxiety. Apparently it gives your brain much needed folic acid without having to rely on your body to break it down like you have to do when yu eat food or take other suplements which then helps in brain chemistry and keeps all your brain functions working right.

It is usually paired with other antidepressants but my Dr. said the benifits for anxiety can be had by taking just the Deplin.

If anyone had ever heard of it or taken it, Id love to hear your stories before starting it. Sorry to post this here but there were no other places under the med. forum.

26-07-09, 16:36
Just to give you all an update....I started the medication 3 days ago....and I feel GREAT! I am starting to feel like my old self again. My anxiety is not gone...but it is better! However, I just started my period so I am not sure if it is that becuase I am usually bad before I start...or if it is because of the medication. Hey, it could also all be in my head!