View Full Version : heya please help

24-07-09, 03:09
Hey please help.
Hi i'm lee im 19. I have been suffering from anxiety for a while now. My syptoms are usually chest pains and twinges in my chest, just to mention the things that worry me most. And when i start thinking about my health i notice myself start thinking that im not breathing enough and start to breathe deeper, this usually brings on the panic attacks. I'm not currently on medication but probably should be. This anxiety is just ruling my life i sometimes dont leave the house through fear i'll lose control in a public place. I suffer from a new disease every week and even though i know that i am ok there is still a part of me which makes me worry. Last week it was skin cancer and now its brain tumor... I cant stand it anymore. The scariest thing i get is twinges in my heart making me feel like its missed a beat i cant describe them, theyre not painful just very very scary please id like to know if anyone else has experienced these?

24-07-09, 06:06

Yes I have experienced almost everything you mentioned here including the weird feelings in the heart. Mine have gone on for most of my life some 40 or more years and Im still here. I think you will be fine..Just read the post here and know you aren't alone.

Try to relax and know its nothing that can hurt you . The thing that has helped me more than anything is to go through all the post and you find
that what you are experiencing isn't that unique and it will pass.

Take care and you will be fine..

24-07-09, 13:53
Hey please help.
Hi i'm lee im 19. I have been suffering from anxiety for a while now. My syptoms are usually chest pains and twinges in my chest, just to mention the things that worry me most. And when i start thinking about my health i notice myself start thinking that im not breathing enough and start to breathe deeper, this usually brings on the panic attacks. I'm not currently on medication but probably should be. This anxiety is just ruling my life i sometimes dont leave the house through fear i'll lose control in a public place. I suffer from a new disease every week and even though i know that i am ok there is still a part of me which makes me worry. Last week it was skin cancer and now its brain tumor... I cant stand it anymore. The scariest thing i get is twinges in my heart making me feel like its missed a beat i cant describe them, theyre not painful just very very scary please id like to know if anyone else has experienced these?

Yes i have all these things too and im sure they are so many folks on this forum that will say axactly the same. Absolutely nothing in your post is new of anxiety sufferers
You are soooooo not alone and this forum is very helpfull and everyone is lovely and supportive :hugs:

I think what works for me is accepting that this is what is happening for me just now and that it will get better.

The worry will latch onto what ever you supply it with and it will grow as long as you feed it.

The claire weeks book explains really well that when you are anxious your body naturally gives you weird physical symptoms the problem comes when you add a level of fear about what these sysmptoms mean ontop of your all ready stressed out mind and body.

By acceptng the symptoms as a worn out nervous system becuase of stress and as claire weeks says 'not being immpressed by these symtoms' or by not reating to them you will start to get control back again , promise.


24-07-09, 14:28
You're not alone Lee, many many people have those symptoms.
Relaxation is the best thing you can do. When you get these feelings try and relax and take your mind of it, try and do something to divert your mind. The less importance you give the symptoms the quicker they will fade.

take care


24-07-09, 15:15
ahhh the old heart palpitations.
search palpitations on this site and you'll be given probably at least 100 pages of helpful and reassuring results on the issue, especially if you browse the 'sticky' threads.
Like the other posters have said here, the physical symptoms of anxiety are scary a lot of the time, and I've had a lot of palpitations myself (still do almost daily), but when you realize that they are merely a result of anxiety and can't harm you, since anxiety palpitations have been shown to be harmless, your anxiety will go down and you'll have less
message me anytime, and good luck :)

24-07-09, 15:48
Hi please don't worry about your heart flutterings,I know it's easier said than done but my sister (who is like me-big worrier) had them a lot and ended up having a heart monitor to check when she had them etc...It was nothing for her to worry about,just palpatations that were normal and bought on by various things like caffiene in coffee and chocolate and of course stress.Take care.

24-07-09, 18:41
Hi Mate I Get Chest Pain All The Time Right In The Center Of My Chest Had It On And Off So I Know Its Just Anxiety