View Full Version : EARS

24-07-09, 03:25
Pls Help, How Come My Ears Feel Like There's Something Moving Or Shaking Or Full, Or Block?

24-07-09, 12:59
I thought your Dr had told you that you had an inner ear imbalance Alba .The cinarazine he perscribed didnt help,so I would go back and get him to perscribe you something else or refer you to an ear specialist .You could also do with some medication for your anxiety ,something that will calm you down a bit .There are lots of different medications and just because one hasnt been suitable doesnt mean there isnt one that will help you . Take care Sue

24-07-09, 16:36
hi alba i really think you need a good check up at the drs, as you are not really beliveing what they are telling you, and i know health anxiety can do this to all of us but maybe seeing another dr will put your mind at rest good luck
