View Full Version : please be carefull

24-07-09, 09:14
after having all my symptoms for years and putting it down to anxiety and no having my gp also put it down to anxiety i yesterday got the resukts of my MRI scan!....I DO NOT have anxiety....I have meniers disease,it can give you so many different symptoms which are "like" anxiety.I now have medication to control the symptoms.Please make sure you push for more tests if you think you have more than just anxiety.I had the symptoms including
balance problems
travel sickness
ear pain
feeling fuzzy in the head
feeling hungover
pains in my muscles
feeling really weird when trying to drive
panic feelings
fullness in ears
feeling like i was falling
the need to hold on to stop the feeling that i would fall
made worse by having caffiene/chocolate

24-07-09, 15:13
No offense, I am sure you were trying to help...but I want you to know that everyone who reads your post will be thinking or worrying that they have this now and probably freak out! I know I just did and it is taking all my energy not to google this disease.....I am not trying to be mean...just trying to make you aware that there are lots of people here that suffer from health anxiety and already think they are about to die of anything any moment...and they all have these symptoms that you listed here.

24-07-09, 15:48
Ahhh great :(

24-07-09, 16:00
Ménière's disease affects a part of the inner ear known as the labyrinth. The labyrinth is a system of tiny fluid-filled channels that send signals of sound and balance to the brain. Ménière's disease causes the fluid in the labyrinth to build up, disrupting both your balance and hearing.
The precise cause of Ménière's disease is unknown. Research suggests that it could be triggered by a variety of factors, such as an infection or allergy. Treatment is focused on trying to ease and control the primary symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss.

It cannot be self-diagnosed. Meniere's Disease is *not* defined by its symptoms. There are many disorders that have the same symptoms as Meniere's Disease. A differential diagnosis with diagnostic tests is required. For a diagnosis, you *must* see a licensed and qualified medical professional

Nikki was just trying to help not scare people!

24-07-09, 16:01
No offense, I am sure you were trying to help...but I want you to know that everyone who reads your post will be thinking or worrying that they have this now and probably freak out! I know I just did and it is taking all my energy not to google this disease.....I am not trying to be mean...just trying to make you aware that there are lots of people here that suffer from health anxiety and already think they are about to die of anything any moment...and they all have these symptoms that you listed here.

Totally agree 100% :scared15:

24-07-09, 16:06
From what I understand menier's disease is an ear issue -- is that right? I think it is important to have any strange and unusual symptom checked by your doctor. In regard to posting personal results, I do agree that we need to be careful, but for me more so in the sense of not offending someone or hurting feelings. I think nikki was trying to be helpful. We come on here all the time hoping someone will tell us everything is ok. We search and search for that reassurance. We want someone to tell us what we want to hear. Yet, we are not doctors here and sometimes things can be a little bigger than what they appear. SOMETIMES. Not always deadly, mind you. I won't divulge my recent ordeal, but it is truly amazing what we can actually face when we have to. Not every disease is fatal, just uncomfortable and can be treated with medication. I am a huge health anxiety sufferer and I am glad this was brought to my attention because it is something to ask my doctor about if some of my symptoms continue to be prolonged or bothersome. We learn from each other's experiences, positive or negative. And, through that, I think it helps us communicate with our physicians better. I think that was the purpose of her post. I am certain she wasn't trying to frighten anyone. Don't google this. Don't worry about it. We need to be here for nikki. She will be just fine. Hugs, Wiskers ~

24-07-09, 16:12
Im not scared of this condition so I dont mind this post but I can see how others would be petrified and if someone suggested although Im thinking this way already! that hiv can cause Menieres Disease then i would be throwing up as we speak!!

Maybe the title of the thread is a bit frightening and should be called something different and should be more about just how its good that Nikki has found an answer to her problems and lets face it its pretty rare to be 'lucky' enough to find an answer to you anxiety that doesnt involve hard work in learning to think differently as the the solution! Although It is unfortunate for Nikki to have to deal with this condition and i guess she is needing some support about her illness too , but still a verrrryyyyyyy scarey post!


24-07-09, 19:16
Nikki, I hope that my post does not upset you because I meant no ill will in it at all...I have never heard of this condition before so when I read this post...since I did not know what it was and I have those symptoms too, my 1st gut reaction was to google it. Just a bit of a scarey thing because as Lisa said, I would be one to sit and read about it until I find a connection between this and HIV or cancer. I know there are others out there just like me....looking for answers yet scared to death to find them.

I am glad you found the answer for you and am also glad it can be treated with simple meds. Good luck.