View Full Version : how do we know?

24-07-09, 09:35
how do we know that we are not actually suffering from a certain disease i am convinced i have ms, muscle twitching, burning sensations and feeling off balance, my doctor which i have been to 3 times assures me its not and he will not be sending me for an mri as there is no point, instead i am going for councelling, but my point is how does he know without a scan he cant possible be 100% sure can he? i mean they are all classic signs right?

24-07-09, 12:09
I'm worried about MS too as alot of my symptoms are the same ...but i'm too scared to even suggest this to my g.p. as i know he will just say its anxiety! But its always in the back of my mind what if....Jodiex

24-07-09, 14:40
Duplicate post - please reply here...
