View Full Version : how do we know?

24-07-09, 09:36
how do we know that we are not actually suffering from a certain disease i am convinced i have ms, muscle twitching, burning sensations and feeling off balance, my doctor which i have been to 3 times assures me its not and he will not be sending me for an mri as there is no point, instead i am going for councelling, but my point is how does he know without a scan he cant possible be 100% sure can he? i mean they are all classic signs right?


24-07-09, 12:36
The body is an incredibly complex system of incredibly complex systems.

After all the education and access to all the resources, dr's have a better change of telling us what is going on because they know what to look for in totality and how to interpret it.

We google one symptom, find the worst thing possible and assume we're done for. We ignore all the others. Why? Because we don't know what they are.

Take the advice on the HA Problems/Issues page. Google something stupid, like "bump on toe"

I've got a bump on my toe. Its a callus from running. I'll bet you'll find "big toe cancer" within the first page of results.

Or how about "blurred vision" - I've got that too. When I take off my glasses. But how much do you want to be Google will return all sorts of nasty stuff.

On top of all that, the body is a self repairing mechanism. Most diseases are benign and self limiting.

24-07-09, 12:47
hmm interesting

24-07-09, 13:14
tiredof ocd

you are so right.

We take things totally out of context when we are anxious and thats before we start on our bodies! It is soo narrowminded of us. Its kind of like 'we dont know, and we dont even know that we dont know' if that makes sense.

Doctors do so much training to get where they are and whats more even they are broadminded and open to lots and lots of possibilities when dealing with patients problems. Sometimes, i included, hear people saying ' its obvious what is wrong with me my dr is stupid ' or 'he/she doesnt know what they are talking about' And really that is madness because we ha folks think its as simple as the internet says - blood where it shouldnt be - cancer, strange lump/mole/blemish - cancer, swollen glands and or wieghtloss - hiv and lymphoma , tingling twitching pins and needles - ms.......really its madness.

We simply dont have a clue of what we are dealing with and thats that. As you say the body has several systems that are very complex and their function and purposed is very intricatele and closely linked to the others and the body and mind on a whole. What we do is like ( not applicable to mechanics!) beleiving that without any other information that becuase our car wont start that it need a whole new engine. When really apart form layman stuff like running out of fuel- only a mechanic or an engineer would really know what is wrong for sure, and lets face it the human body is soooo much more complex than a car.

We are making decisions and diagnosis of our health with about 1% of the information needed to do it right.

Its like the adrenaline systems of the body plays such a huge part in our bodies function that it is involved in virtually all medical conditions, every single one- even serious ones, so..... where does that leave us people with HA giving us an overactive adrenaline system?? In a chronic state of fear at everything we read on theinternet and everything we have ever heard from anyone or anything about all serious ilness particularly cancer, lymohoma, hiv, diabetes, MS.......

Our body only has so many ways to display symptoms and that includes to anxiety and fear. Chronic fear exerts the same effect on our bodies are most illness and viruses to greater or lesser degree becuae it uses all the same body systems - it has too. Look at the side effects listed on medication they are all very similar and some of them seem absolutley ridiculously unrelated but that is becuae we just dont know the relationship between the different systems of the body. I mean take antidepressants - why do they cuase nausea and upset stomach we think because they are in your stomach when you take them?? But no you digestive system also has the seratonin neurotransmitter that is depleted in the brain and thats why?!? Antidepressants can effect your blood thickeness?? how? Beacause of their effects on the adrenaline systems of the body, I read side effects on an antibiotic before and it could cause mood swings?!?! blah blah bla sooooo how can we possiblly assume that evidence of one of the bodies systems functioning is a sign that we have cancer hiv ...blah blah.....these are just signs that we are alive and our bodies are doing what they are supposed to do and we are just tooooo aware of it!!

Sorry that went on a bit :roflmao: but I just think that you have made a great point!


Scared Pixie
24-07-09, 14:29
Hi Rebecad, I know how you feel, I have been also having these broblems and keep being told its stress, but the don't know what you are going through do they. I made them do a mri on me and other tests, I have had my mri done Tuesday just waiting on the results. I do know stress can cause all the syptoms of ms as its to do with muscles and the nervous systom. I would go back to the dr and tell him for peace of mind you need these tests done. I have been in and out of A & E so they did some tests but of course kept telling me I need to see a neurologist which I did, it did take a while. I have been suffering sine March. Ihope you feel better soon, my friend. x