View Full Version : Help me PLEASE!!!!

23-09-05, 23:16

Well I went to Detox for the xanax addiction! and it helped... They put me on other meds. They are neurontin and phetabarbatol they are both anti sezure drugs. I am not sure about them also! The phetabarb is to wean me off of the xanax. I know that the neurontin is also a anxiety med... I need reassurance and is anyone else on this?? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!

I hate taking pills and it seems like I keep getting more and more...



"Never give up the Fight!"

23-09-05, 23:29

In the UK the docs are so worried about benzo addiction that hardly anyone gets xanax at all and very rarely for long enough to get addicted.

I hope someone else from the US can reassure you as none of these are commonly used drugs in this context here.

Have you tried www.benzo.org who have bags of experience with xanax.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-09-05, 17:19
hi Brandy -
I don't know if this will set your mind at ease or not but here it goes anyway...
My son Nick has epilepsy since he was 3 and we tried every medicine known to man. He had reactions to some and some just didn't work. Eventually the doc put him on Zarontin which is a sister drug to neurontin. The doc said that this drug is one of the safest as to the reaction part of it. The worst side effects that he could get was headache and cottonmouth. He did really well on that and eventually he stopped having seizures so they took him off of it. I thought that maybe the thought of the doc giving it to a little kid and it being ok might comfort you.
Hope you are doing better now :)


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)