View Full Version : feeling like ive given in

24-07-09, 10:56
hi i used to come on this site ages ago , ive always suffered from depression and anxiety since i was about 17 im 22 now , ive always thought i could cope with it and control it myself but due to recent events ive hit an all time low and had to go to the doctor , well i was taken by my mother, i feel i have given in by doing this they have put me on medication and assigned me to a therapist straight away , im more concerned because i know they will probably make me feel worse for a while and im not sure i can feel any worse. i just dont know how im going to sit down in front of someone i dont know and tell them how i feel im just not used to it. i feel completely lost and a failure to myself and my family.

24-07-09, 11:10

I know people say this all the time but i do know how you feel, I'm 21 and I have suffered since I was 15, you dont feel like a normal person when it seems everyone else our age has not got a care in the world. Ive nearly given up so many times, its like you think your dieing anyway (well thats how Ive felt) anxiety made me quit college which I felt meant I'd let down my whole family and noone understood I couldnt physically sit in a classroom, it is the worst burden. I'm just about to start counselling and I feel like you, dont know how it can help but we might as well try eh??? their trained for this kind of thing and you never know you might pour your heart out and thats what anxiety is built in tension that needs letting out. I know your low now but I just wanted to say to stick in their and try every way and then at least you know your trying, weve got no choice but to live eh and try to work through it, Im not offering great advice but wanted you to know your not alone and mayb we can let each other know how we get on, what do you find are your worst symptoms?

24-07-09, 11:23
Hi there

just believe in yourself and that will take you through. Get up in the morning and go to the mirror and say "Good morning Rachel - Sarah, it's great to be alive", then say this each time you pass a mirror changing the time of day... At first it seems silly but after a while it becomes automatic and you will be glad to be alive!!! Did you ever download Dr Claire Weeks for your mp3 from the NMP shop. She believes that anyone can be cured completely no matter how long they have suffered - I have found it great. Also it's great to talk and sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger esp if they are empathetic.

Good luck and take care


24-07-09, 18:13
thanks for your comments i find my worse symptoms are in the morning i get really bad anxiety sometimes im even sick just cuz it think it will make me feel better but it never does , i hate night times as i find im laid in bed churning things around and sometimes drive myself to the conclusion that id just be better off dead really . ive no passion or energy to do anything and ive become the most forgetful person on the planet i know everyone has ditzy moments but i feel like im having them all the time.