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View Full Version : anxious about eye condition

24-07-09, 19:53

I was recently diagnosed with 2 scars on my retina. The doctor doesn't know what caused them. He said that many people get them. It causes horizontal lines to look wavy. He said he is going to keep on eye on it but there is no cure. It's not the same as macular degeneration. I'm only 47. I know this is not caused by anxiety, but it sure causes it. Does anybody here have this or know anything about it.



24-07-09, 21:20

The doctor said that this was not uncommon. Since no one has replied, I am becoming more worried.


24-07-09, 21:23
People will only reply if they have had one and as this is a panic forum then it may not be the best place to ask as we are not medical people and will only reply if we have had one.

Also - give it more time for people to read this.

24-07-09, 21:26
I know and I apologize. I am impatient at times. I did post it on a health forum just about eye and vision problems and never got any replies. I guess it's not that common. Sorry to be a bother.

24-07-09, 22:11
You are not a bother. I just wanted to explain why people may not have replied.

If someone has had it they will reply trust me.

24-07-09, 23:38
I don't have scars on my retina but due to congenital severe short sightedness I have a variety of complications! One thing I have got is the complications when the eye sack that contains the gel cant remember its name detaches from the retina - this is perfeftly normal and happens to everyone usually in their 50's but if you are short sighted it happens about 10-15 yrs earlier. When my right eye did it my complication was the gel went into large clumps with lots of debris and has left me partially sighted in that eye - this is very rare complication and only affects people with severe short sight but ws told that sometimes the retina can tear as well and when it heals this can cause a scar.
Just a thought and to let you know you are not alone with eye trouble