View Full Version : Phobia of Webs.

24-07-09, 21:53
Hi All

I know this may seem odd and please tell me the truth I can handle it lol :doh:

I know I keep Trantulas as pets but now that they are getting bigger, they are making webs.

I freak out with the webs and I'm not sure why. I have to get a long stick and take it out else I will not go near them. I know people have phobias of spiders but I havent seen about webs.

I have 15 trantulas and not all off them make these depending on the breed. but Oscar my red knee and my colbolt blue and green-bottle blue make them and Im soo worried about it all.

I dont know what to do. I think its becasue you cant see them and jump when they touch you. I haveno idea. I hate them. and You cant stop spiders making them.

Anyone had this?

Nikk xxx

25-07-09, 13:13


Webbs give me the creeps but i would NEVER keep spiders! Lol


Vanilla Sky
25-07-09, 13:26
Its spiders that give me the creeps ! Can't say i'm keen on webbs either lol xx

25-07-09, 14:26
Nikk - you can't have one without the other so you have to have the webs or get rid of the spiders I am afraid.

25-07-09, 14:46
Im with you on this one, spiders I can deal with (as long as I dont have to touch them) but the webs are horrible!

Isn't there someone else who can deal with them for you?
K x

30-07-09, 03:02
Hi-I can understand loving parts of your pet but having issues with other parts-my kitty cat is a serial killer and she brings home all these poor little birds ,mice and even fish . I can't deal with it-I always cry and then later when she is purring contentedly on my lap I look at her suspiciously , thinking how could you ?!?!?

I can appreciate your dislike of webs. I had a severe problem with them for several years. If I saw a web anywhere, I would completely freak ! The worst was in the morning seeing all these dew encrusted webs glistening in the sun and thinking I could have walked through it in the night. Now I am fine-I am fine looking at webs.

The main thing that helped me was the mythology / legends surrounding the webs. I am Native America and in my culture we celebrate the gift of webs. One of the main gifts spiders have given us is the dreamcatcher. I would just talk myself into thinking this web isn't a web it is a dreamcatcher !

Sounds silly I know but after repeatedly of telling myself " This is a gift from the spider to help us all with our bad dreams.." I started to relax and think of webs as a gift. Truthfully I am not completely looking at them as a gift all the time but now I can atleast look at one without the extreme panic / terror I used to experience.

Also there is a legend about how during a flood , the spider wove her web into a door that saved a tribe hiding in a cave from being flooded out and killed.

I've tried really hard to think of these things when I see one and it has helped. I don't know if this would help you or not but think of the love you have for your tarantulas and maybe that will help you embrace their "art" of webs.

Sorry for this long reply -I hope you doing better with the webs!