View Full Version : Feeling Anxious Tonight :(

24-07-09, 22:18
Hey everyone, I am feeling a little anxious tonight :( don't know why, I have had a couple of drinks and feel on edge, for some reason i can't drink as much as i used to. Anyone else have this issue before??

24-07-09, 22:47
Hey there! I know what you are going thru. I used to drink a lot, but now I have found that I can't drink a drop. It makes my anxiety act up because I feel "funny" (drunk...lol). My big thing with anxiety is not being in control of my body or mind. Maybe this is with you too? Just try to relax a bit. Watch something on TV or do a puzzle. :hugs:

24-07-09, 22:52
Hey thanks for the reply :) good to know I am not alone, it's not that alcohol that makes me more anxious (it normally helps lol) it's just that i start to feel ill of i drink like i used to :( really annoys me because i feel alcohol is my only escape from this mad anxiety.

24-07-09, 22:54
LOL messed up a little there, *it's not the alcohol. *i start to feel ill if i drink.

24-07-09, 22:54
I'm anxious tonight too! I just came on here to stop myself googling, 'should I trust medical tests' STUPID!!!

24-07-09, 23:00
Oh yeah. I'm here cuz of my "uneasiness". I come here instead of Google! It's such a great resource. And I know what you mean about medical tests. My doctor tells me I'm OK, but I have the hardest time believing her. Silly isn't it?

24-07-09, 23:06
Oh yeah. I'm here cuz of my "uneasiness". I come here instead of Google! It's such a great resource. And I know what you mean about medical tests. My doctor tells me I'm OK, but I have the hardest time believing her. Silly isn't it?

Second that lol

26-07-09, 20:53
Hi ya! I'm drinking less and less because I can feel it making me anxious. It never used to be like that when I was younger, but now (I'm 28) it seems to affect my anxiety quite a bit so I go for long periods without drinking at all, and then I'll just have a couple of glasses with dinner sometimes. It's definitely a trigger for me. Makes me really edgy or downright panicky, often on the day after.

07-12-09, 02:36
Hi nmp members. Seems someone's picked up on the word "triggers" in our posts and has mistaken the site for something else!! I've reported it to admin. so please ignore.

I am allergic to alcohol. If I mistakenly eat something with alcohol in I have palpatations and sweats - symptoms similar to anxiety. Drinking definitely does not help overcome anxiety - and nor does google! Please try the information pages on here first, or do a search for posts on here for whatever is worrying you.

07-12-09, 07:11
Hiya, must of bin something in the air last night. I had half a glass of wine, first one in wks, made me feel sick and sent me into panic mode and hardly slept all night. How annoying is it !!!!!!!!
It is great to come on this forum and know that i,m not going mad and that my symptoms are same as nearly everyone on here. Thank God for N.M.P
Take Care x x

04-01-10, 00:18
Feeling very anxious myself tonight. Trying to ignore negative thoughts, not so easy. I have the same issue, ever since I started getting panic attacks/anxiety I can't drink. It makes me very very on edge.

04-01-10, 02:45
I tend to avoid drinking whenever I am feeling anxious. I won't drink for weeks sometimes. This was a tough adjustment earlier in the year for me as a lot of my social interactions involved going out for drinks.

I have been having a lot of anxiety over the last week or two. I hit my head last Wednesday and I am still obsessing about it and concerned I have internal bleeding I am unaware of. I didn't even hit my head that hard. Just very tense and anxious tonight.