View Full Version : Guilt-Does anyone feel the same?

24-07-09, 22:23

Does anyone out there feel guilty for feeling the way they do?
I feel that my husband, once supportive, is now turning against me. Sometimes I try to lift myself out of my depression but he only has to pass one remark and then I go deeper into it and feel guilty :emot-drunk:

25-07-09, 15:07
I feel guilty all the time.

If I can't go out (even if its because I have no money), I feel guilty.

The important thing to remember is that people are supporting you and they will do whatever they can to help, and they are not turning against you.

25-07-09, 15:36
My husband is very supportive and so are my family & friends but I feel guilty that I have let them down by being like this. However they say now it is me but sometime it could be them and I'd do the same for them - this makes sence so I'm trying to challenge the feelings of guilt when thay arise with this thought.

Good luck

25-07-09, 16:39
I feel guilty also, my family have been very supportive and when im really low i feel like i am only burdening them more.
take care

25-07-09, 17:44
I feel guilty all the time, that Im a burden, that Im difficult to live with etc etc I think its all part of being depressed and anxious. As is being paranoid Im told! Which I think adds to the feelings of guilt!
Hope this helps, feel free to pm me if you want to talk
K x