View Full Version : Tummy Problems

24-07-09, 23:42
I don't want to Google, so I would like some feedback here please. I know a few of you have posted about stomach issues so maybe you guys can help. This all started 3 weeks ago. I had some back pain so I went to my doctor to get checked out. She gave me an anti-inflammatory as well as Nexium. The Nexium was to prevent the NSAID from giving me tummy problems. I begin to take them. No issues. Back pain goes away, so I stop taking everything. Indigestion starts. I go back the the doctor and told her that I have indigestion after going off the Nexium. She said that it may be a side effect of discontinuation and to give it a week. Well during that week I was giving my tummy time to recover, I got a tooth infection. My dentist was away, so she called in Vicodin and Zithromax for me. I took both, but the Zithromax ripped my stomach apart. I had the most violent, horrific bowel movements ever. Add this to my anxiety about having my tooth pulled. :wacko: I had the tooth pulled and finished out my antibiotic. Then I awoke with a disgusting taste in my mouth. I figured it was my tooth, but wasn't sure. Now, I know it's not my tooth because most of the socket is healed. I still have a tiny bit of reflux and weird stomach issues. I was constipated for 2 days, but now I am going again. My main concern is that there is something wrong with me. I am going on vacation on Monday for a week and I don't want it to be ruined by this. Do you guys think maybe it was because of all of the different meds I was taking? I just got over my fear of meds too. IDK. A little input would be nice. Sorry for rambling. :roflmao: