View Full Version : Pregnancy and meds for panic

24-09-05, 06:41
Anyone know what is safe (safer) to take for PA when you are pregnant? I'm just about to give up on the idea of having one last child, because I can't bear the thought of panicking through pregnancy and worrying about meds affecting a child. I wouldn't want to be selfish and put an unborn child in peril. But I still don't want to let go of the idea. Getting bummed out about it. I really don't wanna take any meds, but I'm almost 40 now and I'm not quite ready for dropping all meds either.

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

24-09-05, 08:36
Hi Andrea

I'm afraid I don't know if there are any meds which are safe to take during pregnancy.

Have you seen your doctor to discuss this? They will be able to go through all the options with you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

24-09-05, 15:13
I was on zoloft through out my pregnancy My Doctor assured me it was safe during pregnancy He told me that It is safer for the baby to be stress free (anxiety).

I gave birth to a healthy 9lbs 1oz baby boy 6 months ago there was NO PROBLEMS.

But you should always talk to your doctor!


24-09-05, 15:44

buspar is for anxiety also and it is safe!!! maybe try that!!! I want a baby also since I have not had one yet and I am 28! and my fiance wants one too! But I don't think I can right now. I have to get straightened out first!

Brandy [^]

"Never give up the Fight!"

24-09-05, 16:42
Hi Karen!
How are you doing? Thinking of you! I put a phone call in to the psychiatrist and explained to him why I was trying to wean off Buspar. I'm hoping he'll meet with me next week and tell me what will be safe and what isn't. Problem is, I just don't wanna be taking any chances. Would rather not be on meds at all.
Hi Amy! I'm already on the Zoloft, I knew that was a "safe" one. I'm just concerned, because I thought the Zoloft was the thing that was helping me most and now that I'm weaning off Buspar, I'm having the panic set in again. Not sure if I'm going to keep up with the weaning now or not. Be glad to talk to the Dr. about it.
Hi Brandy!
I guess you can tell, I am still on the Buspar. I haven't heard whether it's one that can be taken in pregnancy or not. I'll let you guys know what I find out from the Dr. Thanks for the reply! Hope you are having a good weekend!
((((((hugs to you all))))))))

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

24-09-05, 20:54
Hi Andrea

Good luck with the psychiatrist. I hope he is able to put your mind at ease so you can go ahead with your plans.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

24-09-05, 21:02
hi there!
when i was pregnant with my first child i was on seroxat and with my second child citalopram so i think i can honestly say as long as the doctor knows it is fairly ok. it never hurt any of my children and they didnt have any withdrawal effects or anything as they were checked.
hope this helps
mel xx


26-09-05, 05:06
Thanks Melanie! I really appreciate that!
Thanks Karen! I hope he has something good to say.

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

28-09-05, 04:31
Hi Everyone!

I talked to the psychiatrist and he really wouldn't tell me that ANY meds were safe to take during pregnancy. He said the ideal was to be totally off meds prior to conception and wait until after the first trimester to resume any meds that are absolutely necessary at the very minimal dosage. BUT he did say that my OB GYN should really be the person to talk with about this and have the final say. Also, I've been told before by 3 different OB Gyn Dr.s that Zoloft is one of the anti-depressants that is "safe" to be used during pregnancy. I haven't spoke with the OB doctor yet to tell him about my Anxiety/Panic Disorder. So I guess I will have to check with him now as well. I'm hoping to get off of Buspar completely, because it's a newer, less researched medication and stay on the Zoloft.
As for the panic, I have not gone into anything full-blown, so that is the GREAT news!! I have started to feel tense, uneasy, and had to force myself to do the breathing techniques, but that is the worst they've gotten. I almost went back to a higher dose of the Buspar this weekend, because it felt like I was fighting the panic all day, but my husband reminded me that I hadn't eaten all day because of a stomach bug. Thanks to my sweetie, I toughed it out and kept at the lower dosage. I plan to reduce more in a couple of months with the doctor's guidance. I think I freaked out too soon over the sense of panic. It seems that I'm okay when I make sure I've eaten and remember to do the breathing exercises.
Also, I'm thinking about talking this over with my children's pediatrician as well. I expect that she'll tell me that no medications are safe, but it won't hurt to get her opinion. I'm just not really likely to try to conceive again, if I have to be on anything stronger than Zoloft.
I will keep you posted on what I find out!!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

Sue K with 5
28-09-05, 18:41
I never took any medication during pregnancy and suffered numerous panic attacks and the first signs of agoraphobia again after being better for many years.

I found relaxation and yoga very helpful during my pregnancy, my GP was very reluctant to give me any medication during my pregnancy but she did offer me herbal rememedies which were ok to take so it might be a good idea to contact a homepathy expert and asking for some advise.

pregnancy as you know can be quite stressful but I also found it to be a good time to slow things down and get some bearing in my life, and concentrate on the positives and less on the negatives, so dont give up! I have always enjoyed being pregnant it gave me a calm sense of inner peace so maybe weaning off the meds and trying herbal rememedies will be a really good way of introducing other forms of natural remedies

Good luck

Sue with 5


29-09-05, 03:41
Hi Susan!
Thanks for that!
I have always loved the moments of being pregnant. They have always seemed soothing and relaxing, until the last couple months when I'm too big to sleep right. (Yes, sorry all of you who got morning sicknes.. I didn't.. )But after the last live birth, the next 2 pregnancies I was really anxious. I don't know if it's because people keep reminding me that because of my age, I'm "high risk", so therefore I fulfill the self-fulfilling prophecy. Hard to say. Anyway, I don't want to give up on the idea. Hoping I'll get some good answers. I will let you know! Thanks again! :)

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)