View Full Version : Worrying already

25-07-09, 12:26
I know I shouldn't be doing it but i can't help it,

i have to go down to the job centre to sign on again as they cancelled my claim, and i'm worrying about going down already... I still have 3 days!!

Anyone have any idea how i can help myself...

P.S I'm going to the doctors again on Monday...:weep:

25-07-09, 12:54
why did thay cancelle it

25-07-09, 19:32
Because I didnt go to sign in once day cause i was having a really bad day with anxiety then i got the dates mixed up so i missed my next day.

25-07-09, 20:03
Try having a practice run the night before when it's getting dark. It then seems slightly easier the following day. Then promise yourself a reward when you have done it. :yesyes:

25-07-09, 20:28
have you explained to them that you suffer really bad anxiety maybe they could come up with some sort of advice in how to help you.

25-07-09, 20:36
Yes have you explained ...some people are very understanding...maybe your doctor can write a cover note.....I found in my early experiance ( im agoraphobic ) that when they knew I was coming in took me to one side and signed me on there and then just so I did not have to wait around

25-07-09, 21:13
no i haven't told them, maybe that would be a good idea!
I'm going to the doctors the day before so I could say to her about it.
Thanks alot guys thats actually a good idea!