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View Full Version : Hello All,

25-07-09, 16:16
Hi All,

My name is Tim I am from the Western New York region of the United States of America. I spend most of my week working in retail returning defective merchandise and doing wire transfers at the customer service counter. In my off time I am a professional musician. I am a trained vocalist and amateur pianist, I regularly perform with the local symphony orchestra here. Aside from that I am an avid collector of early recordings, which I remaster (you can find more on this at my website listed in my profile). Aside from that I enjoy reading on a variety of topics and am a devout Catholic.

For the past 10 or so years I have suffered from panic disorder, sometimes depression associated with that. Various people on my paternal grandmother's side of the family have suffered from the same thing. There was a period of around two years where it just flat out disappeared, recently it has been coming back. My attacks are basically brought on by health based anxiety. Aside from that I do suffer from IBS which sometimes I assume causes the symptoms that will cause my panic attacks. I'm so glad I found this forum and I see there are others who have the exact same anxieties I do.

25-07-09, 16:28
Welcome mate..
You came to the right place and you certainly aint alone! I can associate with all of what you say. Just a thought i never had a poorly tummy (ibs) before i had anxiety. I read somewhere that as much seratonin is produced in the stomach as in the brain which would explain stomach problems associated with anxiety/depression...All the best

25-07-09, 16:37
hi and welcome this site is great with loads of info.