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View Full Version : Fear of appendicitis

25-07-09, 16:39
This has been one of my fears for a long time that has been a cause of many of my panic attacks. I get abdominal cramps, or like a pinching sensation on my lower right side, alot of times in my groin area. It feels really uncomfortable and I get panic attacks because I think it's appendicitis. I used to read alot of medical books when I was younger and thats one disease I can't get out of my head. Does anyone else have this issue?

25-07-09, 17:36
I used to have the same fears of appendicitis so I know how you are feeling but at the end of the day if you are going to get it you would and you would know you had it too!
People with appendicitis are either in alot of pain for a day or so and then they find out what it is and have it removed, they go straight to doctor with pain and have it removed or they end up collapsing.
Either way appendicitis is rarely fatal. Even if your appendix bursts inside you, you don't automatically die!

My friends appendix burst inside her and for 3 days before that she had a very bad pain in her right ribs, she had a very bad belly ache on the right side of her stomach, she had a temperature and headache and she was sick a few times.
She chose to ignore it thinking it was a bug and her Dad had to make her go to hospital.
But despite all this she was still ok!

25-07-09, 17:47
I used to have the exact same problem,which started about 20 years ago.I still haven't had my appendics out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yesyes:

26-07-09, 13:58
I also have this fear. I would suggest that you learn how to determine if it really is appendicitis. Moms have to know this with their kids. If you press down on the lower right side, then release it fast and it hurts more when you release it, it's called rebound pain. This is the case with appendicitis. Also, the "heel test" where you stand on your toes and drop down on your heels with force. It should hurt more if it's appendicitis, same with jumping up and down.

I know all this and even if it's fine, I get scared. I need to find a way to use some good cognitive therapy on myself and tell myself that I am obsessing on this one thing and my mind is creating it. I have irritable bowel so it can be confusing since the pain comes on that side too. A cat scan and sometimes a sonogram will show an inflamed appendix. Let the dr. determine if you need this. From everything I have heard, we would know it...the pain would not come and go. I just had a blood test and my white count was fine..another indication of no appendix inflammation. I hope you (and I) can go on with our lives and get rid if this fear. It is a terrible way to live; I totally relate to what you're saying.

23-09-13, 12:41
Hi all I'm 18 and never thought about appendicitis untill my friend had hers out a few weeks ago, now I find myself constantly checking myself over for the symptons worrying myself sick about it and I feel exactly the same as you guys ^^ its a awful feeling its really not nice I'm just glad I'm not the only 1 who has a really bad fear of gettin it xxx

23-09-13, 13:23
I went to hospital with severe stomach pains, I mean it was worse than having a baby and I've had two of those. The doctors thought that it might be appendicitis, but after extensive tests it turned out to be trapped wind. Never underestimate how painful that can be when it's brought about by stress - the cramping. I was in there for three days.

The doctors and nurses were extremely sympathetic and said it would hurt, but that was all it was. I have to say I was due to fly for the first time - something that absolutely petrified me - it just sort of manifested itself as bad, bad stomach pains.

31-07-18, 20:12
Don't know if this thread is too old for you to see, but yes, I have lived with chronic anxiety about appendicitis for 4 years now. I remember clearly one day waking up and feeling anxious about it, and since that day in 2014 I haven't quite been myself since.
I understand you and I sympathise entirely. I know your struggle: you are kept awake at night, trying to do normal things in life are totally affected thinking about the condition. I have for so long now lived in fear and like you occasionally get these 'symptoms' which I believe are tricks. And yes, panic attacks used to be quite bad too. These days cope better with the anxiety about appendicitis but the anxiety still remains.