View Full Version : Dizziness and going over sideways

25-07-09, 19:58
Have suffered for years with panic disorder but cannot sort this one. I feel as if I am going over sideways with dizziness. Have had 2 doctors out in the last 2 weeks who have both said its anxiety/panic but neither would up my 150g per day dose of Amytriptylene. I am going to end up calling them out yet again because it just won't go. Tried ignoring it and biked (slowly!) into town as I needed to fetch some pills from vet for my cat. Managed to walk up to the counter and get the pills but when I turned to go out, I felt like my balance had gone and staggered out like a drunk. Don't know how I managed to get home and haven't been out since. Does anyone else suffer from this both in the house and out. I seem to be skuttling along like a crab holding on to furniture as go along and its really horrible.:unsure:

25-07-09, 20:02
I had dizziness for over 2 years and it was anxiety so yes it can cause it.

25-07-09, 20:05

I get dizzy and feel as if I am being pulled sideways but I know it my anxiety.I have just learn't that its one of the symptoms that's not nice, try not to worry.

Sharona :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

25-07-09, 20:18
me too i suffer this your not alone
take care

25-07-09, 20:20
Thanks administrator and Sharona. How do I overcome it. Do I force myself to go out and to work. I worry that I will come home by ambulance! I'd like to know how Doctor knows it is panic without examining me. Although one of them did check my ears and made me do some tests like touching my nose then her finger and standing up with my arms in front with eyes closed.:huh:

25-07-09, 20:24

I know weveryone is different but I did just that,I made myself go. otherwise I would be home worrying which makes it worse. You have to help yourself in this otherwise it takes over. I am sorry you are suffering but the less you worry the better it gets.

Hope you feel better soon.

Sharona x :bighug1:

27-07-09, 13:55
I suffer too, I can walk along the corridor feeling like I am aiming towards the wall. Its not a nice thing. It happens at home and work.

27-07-09, 14:00
hi there ...........150mg of amytrip is high.......i had to come off them because of the same symptom that youre having now xx

27-07-09, 14:09
Yes Most definately anxiety! I do this from time to time as well. When you feel this way try to sit for a minute or even try walking it off. Don't let it get you down and keep you from leaing the house. This is a normal symptom of anxiety. Everything will be okay. Alot of time when you can recognize what it is, you will see that you dont pay as much attention to it. best wishes!

27-07-09, 14:19
hi does anyone suffer from thin stools and pain in stomach