View Full Version : Think I am Going Mad :(

25-07-09, 20:45
I can't keep feeling like this, i hate this anxiety it's driving me mad, i hate thinking about my health 24/7, i hate thinking I am going to die 24/7. i go rach hour thinking i have a different disease, 1 hour i think i have got MS the nexts it's a bloody brain tumor and the cycle repeats it's self :( i am just not strong enough to brake this cycle :( i feel so low right now. Sorry about the rant lol i just wanted to vent.

25-07-09, 20:55
I am also obsessed with thinking those things. When I visit my GP he always says"And what do you think you have got this time". Fortunately he is very patient with me. My family have also hidden medical dictionary from me to stop me looking things up but I secretly google symptoms in to the computer and scare myself silly! At the moment I feel like I am keeling over sideways and feel as if there is an insect crawling in my hair! I have had this on and off for 25 years and they haven't put me away yet so keep plodding on. :hugs:

25-07-09, 21:22
Hi, thanks for the reply :) good to know i am not the only one. I mean i start my second year at college in September and if i am still felling like this, i know i will not be able to concentrate and will mess my whole life up :( i just wish this horrid feeling would vanish.