View Full Version : Too many different symptoms

24-09-05, 11:41
Hi all,

Does anyone ever feel like they have so many different symptoms going on at the same time that its difficualt to understand what is casued by anxiety and what could be soemthing else?

I feel this is my problem at the moment and I think its why I am getting nowhere with my anxiety.

I have TMJ wihch gives me a lot of jaw/neck/head pain. I wear a splint at night o help with the teeth grinding which does help. I do still suffer dizziness and pain throughout the day but to a lesser extent.

I have suffered a horrible taste in my mouth from atleast Xmas last year... my GP thinks its a Post nasal drip...he doesnt know what else it could be. Isit just anxiety or could be something else?

I have been also been earing a lot of grating and noises in my head whe my head moves around... apparently that is just wear and tare... I find this quite worrying at my age 31yrs. I also get a lot of grating around my jaw nd nose area too and squeezing feelings in my neck. Over the last week, I have been having on and off numbness in my right leg and foot and sometimes my fingers as wellas burning sensations which are fleeting... I think this is a nerve problem in my neck or soemthing.... this is worrying me.

Obviously I still have the odd chest pain, fast heart beat, missed heart beat and now like a burning sensation in my chest from time to time...

There will be other symptoms I havent mentioned but you get the general idea... there seems to be so many different ones but yet I dont know if they are all related or all seperate issues to be dealt with.

Does anyone feel like this... like there seems to so many issues to deal with they dont know where to start to get better.


24-09-05, 12:14
I am alway's saying i need to rubbed out and started again people are also telling me I look for thing's to be wrong with me but I'm realy looking for answer's as why I I seem to have so many different thing going on with me.

I think there sometime's Dr look for one thing to explain a person symptom instead of looking for several thing's.

I also think that anxiety really messes with the whole body's function's so in a way I think while there may be several reason for one person symptom's thay still could all proberly be connected to the anxiety to some degree.

I to hear creeking noise's in my neck and my jaw crack's when i eat sometime's. I also had friend that had issues with her jaw she could open it very far and it keeped getting worse in the end she was told it was due to anxiety and once she dealt with the stress and anxiety her jaw slowly got better.

Im only 27 and I get really hot sensation in my small random area's I have found this to be a reacent thing and just kinda dismissed till you now.

I think I;m kina opersite in that I alway thought my anxiety was gone till about 5 mth ago when it flared up after having to deal with my sons teacher. I started to realised that my body was proberly dealing stress and anxiety in different way's cause after thinking about thing's I realise I was alway's haveing pain threw's out my body and fatigue was my biggest battle for many year's. My anxiety got worse cause i no longer had any that would let me just ramble about my day with out judging me in dec last year the onky friend that would put up with me moved to far away from me to just pick up the phone and chat or catch up ect.

I get funny taste's in my mouth and funny noise's in my ear's and vision go funny sometime's i loose my balence lot's and I'm very forgetfull(more so latly) I trip over my word so bad some day's that i feel like I have had a stroke or something. That really cause's me to get frustrated. It's worse when i have alot to deal with it.

I think a lot of the little thing our body dose to us is kinda like a sign that we need to slow down and look aftter our selfs.

24-09-05, 12:26
Thanks Mum2Four

Its kind of comforting in a funny way to know others know how your are feeling... I have an appt with a Psychologist in a few weeks so hopefully I can start to deal with my issues and the symptoms will disappear.

Sometimes I feel the more you tell yourself you 'need fixed' the more symptoms and worrying thoughts you get.

Thanks so much anyway... it has helped me loads.


24-09-05, 17:15
hi sadie.

i know how you feel with this and its very dificult to get your head around. I have had anxiety for 3 months which isn't really very long and have already experienced most of the physical symptoms. Sometimes i find it really hard to think of the symptoms as being an effect of anxiety cos i'm so sure there's something wrong with me and this stops me doing things i should be doing to make the anxiety lessen.

I have suffered continuosly with worrying chest pains which last weeks and neverending ectopics. These are the symptoms that get me down the most and it takes ages to feel positive again after a period of these - but then when i do the headaches and dizziness or tight/sore throat will start up. It's just too much going on with your body - and its bound to exhaust you mentally because it never tends to be far from the front of our minds.

Anyway, your bound to feel in despair with this cos i really do too but i hope the psychologist helps - this is the road i'm taking too.

take care, Lindsay

24-09-05, 22:26
Thanks Linz,

I do know how your feeling with the chest pains and etopic beats... one of the 1st symptoms I got was chest pains and palpitations and I used to be so worried about them.. I have got used to these symptoms now but there is still a part of me that worries that I could have heart problems despite all my tests been totally clear.

Anxiety feeds onour fear and if you manage to cope with one symptom it throws another one to keep you frightened... thats how I look at it anyway. Its how to stop the vicious circle thats the most important thing.

I do hope the psychologist can help me cope with the constant fear of my health and my fer of dying. I feel this is the most important thing now for me to claim my life back.

Try and accpet your symptoms as just anxiety and identify what has casued the anxiety and do what you can to change what it is. It cant harm you and dont let it control you.

take care


24-09-05, 22:53
sadie said------>>>Anxiety feeds onour fear and if you manage to cope with one symptom it throws another one to keep you frightened... thats how I look at it anyway. Its how to stop the vicious circle thats the most important thing.<<<<

So ture I am just reliseing alot of my small daily symtom's are connected to anxiety. I have also known that when I dont rock or swing or figit or one on the many visable copping methods I have then a lot little not so visable symtom's start to mess with body these nagging symtom's start to play on my fear of health and then my fear of Dr's and the cycle get get worse as is feed's from it self.

26-09-05, 07:10
Hi Sadie,
I suffer from the heartbeat thing and that is main cause for anxiety, but like you and all others who suffer with anxiety any other 'symptom, pain, ache etc.,' that we get is magnified because of how we think. I'm also pregnant now and thought all of my symptoms would disappear because I wouldn't be getting pmt and stuff but I forgot about all the other hormones pregnancy brings, so I still get the symptoms. I worry about things 'normal' people don't even think twice about and think about the worst case scenario rather than the best.

I hope your appointment with the pyschologist goes well. I was seeing a psycotherapist but have given up with him, because I think I need CBT, but I have loads of personal issues needing to be dealt with that I'm having trouble coming to terms with.

Take care and feel free to PM me if you need to talk.
Love, Linda.x

26-09-05, 18:53
Hi Linda,

Thanks so much for your reply... I feel for you too... being pregnant alone is enough to make 'normal' people worry too much never mind couple with anxiety. Just keep things into perspective and stay as calm and as positive as you can... baby and you will be fine and atleast you regularly see your GP throughout your pregnancy who can keep a good eye on you.

I would love to have a baby but I just dont see it happening at all until my anxiety is lessened atleast. I worry about the changes of pregnancy on your body and I am scared I would worry too much.... I guess I dont have to worry about this anyhoo!!

Take care.


02-11-09, 04:26
hi sadie i feel everything that you do what r we going to do

Does anyone ever feel like they have so many different symptoms going on at the same time that its difficualt to understand what is casued by anxiety and what could be soemthing else?

I feel this is my problem at the moment and I think its why I am getting nowhere with my anxiety.

I have TMJ wihch gives me a lot of jaw/neck/head pain. I wear a splint at night o help with the teeth grinding which does help. I do still suffer dizziness and pain throughout the day but to a lesser extent.

I have suffered a horrible taste in my mouth from atleast Xmas last year... my GP thinks its a Post nasal drip...he doesnt know what else it could be. Isit just anxiety or could be something else?

I have been also been earing a lot of grating and noises in my head whe my head moves around... apparently that is just wear and tare... I find this quite worrying at my age 31yrs. I also get a lot of grating around my jaw nd nose area too and squeezing feelings in my neck. Over the last week, I have been having on and off numbness in my right leg and foot and sometimes my fingers as wellas burning sensations which are fleeting... I think this is a nerve problem in my neck or soemthing.... this is worrying me.

Obviously I still have the odd chest pain, fast heart beat, missed heart beat and now like a burning sensation in my chest from time to time...

There will be other symptoms I havent mentioned but you get the general idea... there seems to be so many different ones but yet I dont know if they are all related or all seperate issues to be dealt with.

Does anyone feel like this... like there seems to so many issues to deal with they dont know where to start to get better.
