View Full Version : Hello from Scotland

26-07-09, 01:55
Hi all. I've suffered from depression (most of the time) and panic attacks (off and on) for most of my adult life. Started taking clomipramine about six years ago and for a long time it was great for the PAs but lately they have come back.

Found this forum a few days ago when I was mulling over asking my doc for a change and have found it very interesting. Have decided to go for it, ditch the clomip and return to Prozac which I took for a few years a while back.

Wish me luck...

26-07-09, 13:28
Welcome aboard! Loadsa good stuff and advice here...Good luck!:yesyes:

26-07-09, 22:28

Thanks for the support - it does help, as I have been through some fairly tough times in the last two years or so. My panic attacks started returning after a couple of bouts of labyrinthitis - one of the last things a panic person needs IMO - which then left me suffering from CFS.

That meant giving up most of the enjoyable stuff in my life in an attempt to get to work as much as I could. Still had a lot of time off, resulting in me being made redundant in the spring - two months after my husband lost his business.

All three of my kids have had worrying health issues during this time, on top of which my husband has MS, hardly any physical symptoms but some other stuff that causes me a fair bit of anxiety.

Is all that enough to justify a wee bit of panic lol.

Though I was coping ok until the last couple of weeks when I've begun to realise some of my old depression symptoms were rearing their uglies as well.

27-07-09, 00:13
Hi Jane

I woul think this was enough for the 'healthiest person' to panic or become depressed!!!! Just hang in there and hope you find a lot of support on this site - PM me at any time if you want

Take care and chin up


28-07-09, 13:13
Thanks for that Chantelle. I'm suffering a bit from clomipramine withdrawal at the mo, hope it passes quickly!

28-07-09, 13:29
Hi Jane

Welcome along to NMP

It really does help having people to talk to who have similar problems doesn't it? I'm really glad you found us and it's lovely to meet you.

Take care