View Full Version : Oral Cancer?

26-07-09, 03:12
This is my first time posting, hello everyone.

So I have a bunch of symptoms that lead me to believe I might have oral cancer or something serious.

1) Fluid in left ear for about 1 month.
2) Swollen lymph node underneath left ear.
3) Ulcer on left side of mouth that won't go away (dentist said it was healing but I see no improvement).
4) Possible formation of leukoplakia where the ulcers are.
5) Had severe sore throat for several days, originating on the left side of my throat. Most symptoms have disappeared by the left side of my throat hurts and causes a shooting pain to my left ear.

The doctors I've seen have been so lax treating this. I just want someone to take the bull by the horns and have an x-ray and biopsy, because this is just ridiculous. Do I have to get an ENT recommendation?

27-07-09, 21:41
So my sore throat has cleared up for the most part, but when I cough there's a bit of pain in the left side of my throat, like there's something caught but won't come out.

27-07-09, 22:18
Hiya :)

You mentioned that you have had some treatment by doctors, have they given you any definite diagnosis?
I'm not an expert by any means but may of the symptoms you have described I believe are quite typical of a throat infection..you have also said in your second post that the pain in your throat has eased.
I would be reassured by your dentists opinion, he probably has more expertise than your doc at looking at mouth ulcers..if he thinks it is reducing, then it probably is. I know from experience just how closely linked the pains that come from ear/throat infections can be so this may be the reason for some of the symptoms you have.
As for the ENT, I see you are in Canada so am not sure how the system works over there. I believe in the UK you would need a referral from your GP before you could go to ENT, not sure how things work in the private sector.

28-07-09, 06:41
Hiya :)

You mentioned that you have had some treatment by doctors, have they given you any definite diagnosis?
I'm not an expert by any means but may of the symptoms you have described I believe are quite typical of a throat infection..you have also said in your second post that the pain in your throat has eased.
I would be reassured by your dentists opinion, he probably has more expertise than your doc at looking at mouth ulcers..if he thinks it is reducing, then it probably is. I know from experience just how closely linked the pains that come from ear/throat infections can be so this may be the reason for some of the symptoms you have.
As for the ENT, I see you are in Canada so am not sure how the system works over there. I believe in the UK you would need a referral from your GP before you could go to ENT, not sure how things work in the private sector.

Well my dentist sent me to a specialist just to clear the air and make sure everything's ok. She said my mouth looks irritated and it might be going down but to see a specialist if symptoms don't seem to be improving and get a biopsy for a firm diagnosis so we can start treatment right away. That's why I waited a week before booking the specialist with no improvement. But I also heard it's possible for sores to not go away because the body is hyper-reactive, like getting a skin rash on the inside that won't go away without a cream. Hopefully that's all it is.

I'm going to the specialist tomorrow to see what they have to say. I'll keep you posted!