View Full Version : woke up scared out of my mind

24-09-05, 14:52
so it's saturday and i fell asleep on the couch. i wake up at 7:30 and go upstairs to sleep in my bed. dad wakes me up 10 mins later to take my pills, and i go back to bed. i woke up about 10 minutes ago (9:49 am here) and i'm really scared out of my mind, but i don't know what i'm scared of. i know i'm having an anxiety attack, because my hands are shaking wildly. i'm focusing on my throat again, which is the primary source of anxiety for me (throat cancer on one side, likely i know). just trying to get through this

24-09-05, 15:44

Sooo sorry to hear the way you are feeling:(
When I was acute I used to do this all the time.
I would wake up and be sooo scared. and did not know why.
I know its hard but you must try and distract yourself,
you know its an anxiety attack.
I can understand how scared you are but it will pass.



Fear is only as strong as the mind allows.

24-09-05, 16:30
I hope you are feeling better by now! Have you been taking the meds long or just started? I had the waking panic attacks before my meds took affect. It seemed with therapy and medication they have gone now. They are quite frightening!! I feel so bad for you!! I know exactly what it is like. Just remember that they will pass and that they are only panic. Are you in any therapy?
Thinking of you!
Keep us posted on how you are doing!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

24-09-05, 20:59
Hi there

Hope you are feeling better now. What meds are you taking and how long have you been on them for? If you've just started on them it is a common side effect to have increased anxiety for the first couple of weeks but this does subside if you stick with them.

I often too wake up with an anxiety attack and it can be quite frightening at first. Once you start to recognise what this is and use 7/11 breathing to help to calm yourself down, together with positive affirmations that you are safe, it does get easier.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

25-09-05, 19:27
Hi there

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time of it.

Hope your feeling a little brighter now.

It is very frightening when you experience the symptoms you have described.

Many of us on this site, can identify with these symptoms, so you are not alone.

Do read as much as you can on the home pages and under the forum headings. I have learnt so much since I found this site and it has helped alot!

Hope the medication is helping, as others have asked, have you been offered any therapy - I have just started CBT and it is helping to put things into context!

Take care


25-09-05, 21:31
I often feel like this if I allow myself to have a nap.....I now make myself go and do something (read, paint - badly lol) so I stay awake, I then find that when I do go to bed I sleep better and feel less anxious in the morning. hope this helps and you feel better soon

28-09-05, 01:12
i dont wake up nemore with fear because i take a pill called Lorezpam,it helps with sleep (and panic/anxiety).but my first attack was waking up with a panicky felling....and nausea(which is my personal WORSE WORSE symtom) hope u feel better verrrrrry soon,hypo!
Love ya,