View Full Version : New commer

24-09-05, 21:42
Hi everyone

I am new to this site, I hope that someone can help me calm down, I suffer from what is called Health Anxiety. which has been full blown for about 4 months, at the moment I have got pains in legs and back also under rib cadge, I have been told by my doctor that this is just anxiety but because I have had not test ect I have confinced myself oherwise. ie pains in legs (DVT) pain in chest (blood clot to lung) pains in arms (hart attack) I could go on but I think you know where am comming from at this moment I have sharp pain in my chest I think am dying am
in need of some reasurance but feel stuip to go to hospital becasue I know what they will say, but it dose not stop me living in fear

24-09-05, 22:07
Hiya Karen

Welcome to the site, where there is loads of support and advice.

Many of us have health anxiety to some degree or another, and I have found that over time you do gradually accept it as 'just anxiety' as the doc says. With me, it was the pain moving from a 'danger' area to a 'safe' area of my body that helped convince me.

I have found that my pains move around when my stresses change or when I have gone forward in a good patch and then had a relapse. Those pains seem to like moving house!

Take care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

24-09-05, 22:08
hi karenc

i suffer from the pains in the arms and chest and i have had all the tests available for it ie: ecg - blood tests for enzimes in blood from a heart attack - exercise tolerance test - holter moniter tests - and numerous other tests to .

it sounds like u are having the same thing as i suffer from which is axiety and panic attacks and i know they are not nice as i have been sufering them over 2years and worse in the last year since my youngest son passed away.

i now and again suffer from leg pains but ive been told by my gp that it is the medicatiion im on for my high blood pressure so i tend not to try and worry about the leg pains

hope things get beter for you soon

this forum is a good and very helpful forum and people here will help you the best they can


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

24-09-05, 22:13
Hi Karenc

Welcome to the forum. As you will see, there are a number of other members who also experience health anxiety so you are definitely not on your own there.

Take a look at the First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps) information and also the article about Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=healthanxiety) on the home pages of this site.

Are you receiving any treatment for this with medication and/or therapy at present?


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

24-09-05, 22:45
Thank you karen for reply and every one else who applyed to my email Fistly karen answer to your qestion No i am not on medication although my doctor has surgested that I do but I keep on convincing myself that I dont need it and how can medication help get rid of these sensations pains ect also i have read the side effect to the medication that has been prescribe for me and I keep on thinking that i will get the side effects (serious ones) but yes I am in therephy no sure if its helping though, I cant seem do the relaxation and visulization that asked of me each time I try my mind starts wondering into what if but I am trying I do have some good days problem is I have 4 children 4.11,16.19 to look after plus a full time job and a very mentally abusive partner that is not sympatetic at all so this dose not help-

24-09-05, 23:03
Hi Karenc

Firstly a big welcome to the site. You will find lots of support and friends here. Everyone is here to support each other!

I have been suffering for probably about 3 months with anxiety and panic attacks, with all the classic symptoms. It is very typical to think yourself into a diagnosis when you are experiencing symptoms, especially if they are at night or you are on your own.

Your comment in your second post 'how can medication help get rid of these sensations pains etc' As I understand my medication it is particularly for anxiety and panic attacks, so helps you to have a more relaxed state of mind and in turn this is helping to alleave symptoms.

Like Karen, I would encourage you to read as much as you can on the home page and look under the postings on the forum headings - they can be so very useful and help you to understand what you are experiencing.

Hope this finds you a little brighter and wishing you a good night.

Take Care

Elaine XX

24-09-05, 23:17
Hi Elaine

Thank for your information how long have you been on medication does it work for you? I am feeling alittle bit better just reading some of the information on this site,

Take care and good night
Hope to hear from you soon


25-09-05, 03:07
Hi Karenc

A warm welcome to NMP, I'm sure you'll find some useful info on the site with all these great people.

Maybe catch you in 'chat' sometime

Take Care

Sax xx[8D]

25-09-05, 09:03
Hi Karenc
Welcome to NMP, I too believe that I am dying whenever I have a bad day. I have found that the thoughts have started to subside with all the support I get from NMP.
I hope that you start to feel better really soon...:D

25-09-05, 09:38
Hi Karen

I find that the anxiety causes me such feelings of dread that it's easy for me to believe my thoughts. But the people on here have really helped me to see the way foward, which is great, and I'm sure that they will be of a massive help to you too!


25-09-05, 15:41
Hey Karen.

Welcome to the site,

Take care,

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

25-09-05, 16:32
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

25-09-05, 18:46
Hi Karen




When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

25-09-05, 19:06
Hi KarenC

I have been on my current medication, citalopram 20mg for only 13 days, but am feeling better all the time. When I started taking it, I was taking 2mg of diazepam, until the citalopram kicked in. I have now weaned myself off the diazepam.

I have to say I am feeling alot better and stronger and have been known to really, really laugh in the last few days! There hasn't been much of that recently!

Glad the site is helping and you are feeling a little more positive.

Feel free to pm me, if there is anything I can help you with.

Wishing you a good night.

Take care

Love Elaine XX