View Full Version : Rubbish Doctors!!!

26-07-09, 12:51
Have come to notice through reading posts here just how many people seem let down or dismissed by GP's. Ive spent 15 years chopping and changing doctors and in that time have only found 2 that seemed to care and not just throw AD's at me! The one I have now is incredible and gives me loads of advice and time and takes this condition seriously that i often seem to run over my appointment 'slot'. But believe me it took some time to find him and indeed often have to wait over a week to get in! It is so frustrating! Anyway my point is if you aint happy change docs dont just stick with it they aint all brills:mad:
All the best

26-07-09, 16:23
I hate Drs!! I am not wacky and do beleive that traditional meds. have their place...but I have been to Drs who don't care, are wrong, are too much in a hurry....or are too quick to throw a pill down my throat. This is why I started googling so much...which is terrible!!

26-07-09, 16:59
While I agree it's nice to have a doctor who'll listen to what you're saying, especially if they go out of your way to reassure you, let us not forget that in the majority of the cases we are suffering from anxiety.

You cannot really expect every doctor to understand, the average HA patient (myself included) requires a lot of time and work. They can tell us something which we'll choose not to believe and demand lots of tests to check what, to the doctor, is an obvious case of anxiety. While some may choose to humour us, be under no illusions that even the "nice" ones will pick and choose what to allow you to get away with.

I've felt let down by my doctor in the past because he on occasion doesn't seem to listen, but in hindsight, that's because he can see the greater problem even if we at the time choose to ignore it. Since I've been on medication and am going to CBT he's a lot more responsive to my needs and will help me out a lot more.

A doctor isn't a miracle worker, he's seen lots of patients just like you, ultimately he or she can help you but he also has a duty of care to people whose illnesses are something he can directly do something about.

I, like Stressed32 do like my current doctor now we've sorted a few things out and I also constantly run over my appointment times but for those of you who complain about your doctors are you doing so because you don't want to be told the truth? If that's the case then you have no right to complain whatsoever, even if you're not currently thinking straight. If on the other hand you have a doctor who won't listen, who rushes you out of the door as quickly as possible and even worse won't even consider treating your anxiety then yeah you have every right to be annoyed.

Just because a doctor says we're suffering from anxiety and won't instantly jump to provide every test available to quell our nerves doesn't make him a bad one. But yeah I agree if for whatever reason you aren't happy with your doctor try a different one, but if they're still telling you the same thing perhaps it's time to start listening to what they're saying.


26-07-09, 17:00
I have to speak as I find, I have nothing but praise for my doctors. All the years I have known them they have been good to me and to my daughter who suffers from various psychiatric problems.

My mother would have died 26 years ago if it hadn't been for them and they spoiled my dad rotten when he was dying of lung cancer.

The problem is that in many cases doctors have to deal with patients that have physical illness that can kill them such as cancer or heart problems.

When they know that a patient with HA is not pysically ill but mentally they may not always have the time to attend to them as they should, especially when that patients has been told countless times that they don't have the illness they think they have.

Imagine yourself in a doctors shoes and how you would feel. Luckily many doctors have experience with patients who have mental health issues.

26-07-09, 17:31
Thaks for your responses. I opened this subject not to complain but to kind of play devils advocate really. Ive had good doctors and bad but i suppose thats the same in every profession. All depends on peoples own experiences i suppose x

26-07-09, 19:22
Thaks for your responses. I opened this subject not to complain but to kind of play devils advocate really. Ive had good doctors and bad but i suppose thats the same in every profession. All depends on peoples own experiences i suppose x

Indeed this is true, in the same way that those people who do complain sometimes have legitimate complaints but sometimes don't, anxiety sufferers seem to complain more about it.

Example: My doctor didn't listen to a word I said and threw me out his office before I even opened my mouth. That would be a legitimate complaint.

Example two: My doctor won't order an MRI for me cos I had a headache one day last week which disappeared when I took some painkillers, I want to sue him. That would be a frivolous complaint.

Okay I'm being a bit silly here and going to extremes but it illustrates the point. One thing we tend to forget here though is that people who are suffering from anxiety often have negative thoughts, so what might be an entirely reasonable response to someone who isn't an anxiety sufferer we'll often read things into nothing, plus we only ever see the patients' side of things on here, the doctors don't get the chance to present their own side...

... though if I'm honest I think I'd be scared to have my doctor come on here and tell me what he thinks of me :roflmao:

26-07-09, 22:01
I have the two best doctors EVER!!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

26-07-09, 22:15
I have the two best doctors EVER!!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

TWO? Greedy :whistles:

27-07-09, 06:08
The thing is it is not only people with HA who sometimes have problems with their GP.

I know several cases where people have gone to one particular physical problem and he has poo-pooed it.............only later having to have a kidney removed when they have gone to another practise.

27-07-09, 11:20
Hey Paul,

I absolutely agree good docs are worth there weight in gold!!!!..... i eventually got a good doc...... then i moved counties..... now i'm back with the prescribe and run type..... so it goes!!!!....