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25-09-05, 04:03
Things I am afraid of are always changing, some of them rotate.. and I'm really fed up with this because it never goes away entirely, some of them are in the back of my head but I still do them and don't really get anxious, and some of them come out more at certain times.

The thing is I very very seldom get full blown panic attacks, but the symptoms I do get still make me avoid things..

For instance, I can and have left my house without someone there, but I get very anxious doing it and always think I will have a panic attack and faint or stop breathing or something, so I avoid doing it often even though I know I can do it and I won't faint (because I haven't fainted from an attack before).

I can leave when someone is with me with minimum to zero anxiety.

Other things like.. I've fainted after showering before so I get scared to shower incase I faint in there, and I research **** like 'why do people faint in the shower' and if it's because my blood pressure was too low I make sure to use warm to cold water, make it very quick, and make sure to eat something before I do. It gets me to shower, but it's stupid that I should be afraid of it in the first place because people do it every day and don't faint.

I also sometimes worry that there's something in my food if I eat out so I get anxious and wait like 40 minutes after I eat monitoring my body and mind.

Right now I am having difficulty eating because I think I will choke on it, and this was all spawned from choking on a drink one day and I couldn't breathe for a minute. But I've choked tons of times on water after that and it didn't affect me that much, so I just wonder why it is that one fear gets out of proportion at times. I am underweight as it is and I know that eating less will only make me lose more weight and I already feel weak and ill most of the time so I don'twant to lose any more weight.

Sometimes I worry about losing control and hurting someone. But I try to ignore those thoughts and not get freaked out because I know I won't.

I'm just getting to the point where it seems like anxiety is taking over every part of my life and I am tired of having it be a part of me like this. I get depressed and want to die and yet when I'm panicking it's like I'm scared OF dying and don't want to die, and it's all very contradictory. Although I know the part that scares me most is the process of dying and not being dead, it's still a weird contradiction.

I worry sometimes of being around marijuana smoke because it might get me high and trigger a big anxiety attack.. which prevents me from hanging out with some of my old friends who are chronic pot smokers.

I never see some of my other friends because I just worry about making a fool of myself in front of them or panicking and not knowing what to do.

And I'm depressed because I feel like I'm living 1/4th a life.
Because I want more and I can't make myself get up and do it.
I wonder if I am lazy and that's why I don't try hard enough.
I wonder how I will ever get up on my own two feet and deal with life the way everyone else does.

I'm so so so so tired of this bulls***.

25-09-05, 04:39
Sometimes I think that I will faint in the shower too... BUT it never happened yet! I also thought that maybe the shower is too hot that is why I felt like that.
One time I got out of the shower and my heart was beating soooo fast it really scared me. I also feel that I am living 1/4 of my life and not enjoying anything. I am depressed but not until the day I got anxiety and panic attacks did I feel depressed one bit. Right now I live from day to day fearing that something bad is going to happen to me and I am going to die....BUT I am alive and I didn't die yet! And I have been fearing that for 8 months or so.
I know its all anxiety but it is so hard to deal with.... !!!!!

If you want to chat or talk pm me!!!!

Take care!!!


"Never give up the Fight!"

25-09-05, 07:21
Hi the8th

Many of us on the site can identify with alot of what you are feeling. They are thoughts that seem to go hand and hand with anxiety.

'And I'm drepressing because I feel like I'm living a 1/4 life'. - Oh again, I'm sure many can identify with this one, I certainly can - at the end of the day, we just want to get on top of this, manage it and get stronger to start enjoying things to the full again!!

Have you ever been referred for any therapy. I have just started CBT and what came out of my second session was my 'comfort zone'. I am fine when everything and everyone is where they should be, but ask me to do something simple like the weeks food shop and I have to have someone with me. That is just one example of many things that are now more challenging.

I have to make a list this week of things outside my 'comfort zone' and no doubt the therapist will start working on these.

So bearing this in mind and reading your post, I just wondered if you hadn't had therapy, it might be worth giving it a go!

Hope this helps a little

Take care

Elaine XX

25-09-05, 12:18
Hi, I know how you're feeling can you not have a bath instead of a shower? It makes you feel so much better and you can put in your lavender oil etc, it makes you relaxed. I know what you mean about living a 1/4th of your life, I feel the same and am living in hope for a miracle cure (wishful thinking) pm if you wanna chat

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"