View Full Version : OMG, what the hell happened to me last night ?

26-07-09, 13:39
I have suffered from anxiety related symptoms for about 10 years now. I get the odd panic attack, stress about things, and probably have GAD.

Last night I was in bed and woke up feeling dizzy and a bit sick. I then started to shake, then my hands started to tingle, then my neck or throat area consctricted as though making it harder to breath, then I was shaking/trembling so much that I couldn't talk, my bottom jaw was stiff. I got up and paced as I was so scared about what was happening. For a few minutes it came in waves of "get me out of this room to fresh air" to "I am dying here" to "oh it seems to be getting better....not its not". It lasted for about 7 minutes.

Now I have had panic attacks many many times but never to this severity, I was shaking like a leaf and felt sickly and as though I was going to pass out at any moment. My entire upper throat area was so tight.

Does this sound like a severe panic attack ? Or something else ? If the former then why did I wake up with it and it happen for no reason ? Usually I get panic attacks when in public, not sleeping.

Thanks for any advice.

26-07-09, 13:47
Panic attack mate! Over the years ive had little ones and a few whoppers and on the odd occasion early on turned up at a+e! Only to look like a fool. Dont it just do yer head in! LOL

26-07-09, 13:57
when i havnt had a pa for a while and start to let my guard down the first 1 i get is always in the night for some reason and like you i have thought im gonna kick the bucket but it was a panic attack, but i think they are more scary when you wake up with it because you havnt had the warning signs. Im sure if it was anything else you would have known about it well before now

26-07-09, 15:00
def sounds like a panic attack ,they always seem worse at night for some reason, i get all the same symptoms as you in the night every night its very scary

26-07-09, 15:24
Thanks for the reassurance everyone. I just wish I knew what was going on with my body, I am so sick of this axiety thing. Usually when I have a panic attack I am awake so I know exactly when it is coming and can tell myself "its just another panic attack, chill out", but the one I had last night was my biggest yet as like a poster above says, it was unexpected.

The funny thing is, I was totally naked when it was happening, and even though I was thinking "I am about to die here, help" I was desperate to put some clothes on as I wouldn't want to be found dead or passed out naked by my parents or ambulance crew, ha.