View Full Version : bad weekend

25-09-05, 12:26
Hi guys it's me again. I've had a really bad weekend. I went out on Thursday night and it was awful beforehand, I couldn't eat took my betablockers, rescue remedy and had my lavender cotton wool with me but I felt awful so had a few drinks and started to relax. I had a good night but on Friday I could feel the anxiety build up and went to work at half 6, I had to leave 15 mins later cos of the panic. I told them I felt really faint (which I did) and phoned in sick yesterday but I just sat around feeling depressed all day thinking "is this all there is to my life?" This has been going on for nearly 6 years now and I'm sick of struggling to have a night out with friends, or going shopping. Today I am going to watch the all-Ireland final, I tried to organise it for my house but there are too many of us so I'll be going to my local. I used to be able to go to this wee pub all the time and I was fine but because of the weekend I've had I'm not looking forward to it, I won't be drinking though. also I will be starting uni again 2moro so I think that's the main reason my panic has been building. Does anyone else find that panic gets worse with age? Thanx for letting me get that off my chest, Roisin

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

25-09-05, 13:41
I dont think get worse with age but i get worse with presure and commitment's I'm only 27 but I have been dealing with anxiety about expectation's since as young as i can remember. I have found better way to deal with it with age but at the same time I have also had to find less visable way's to deal it rocking in public tend's to get a lot of unwanted attenstion. Which in it's self is an expection that society silently put's on a person.

Age could be part of the trigger for anxiety specialy if is a nagging thought you have.

Anxiety by nature get worse if not delt with so thinking about that we only get older so it will seem as if age might be connected but in my opinion we also get more presure and expection's placed apon us as we get older so for me i see the connection more likly to be between the expection's than age. I sopose that why i have the fear of expection's cause i make that conection. It's abit of a catch 22 we look for answer as to why then we often make the connection then anxiety continue's will a whole new hold on us.

I'm sorry you had a bad week end hoe you fel better soon.

25-09-05, 14:12
*also I will be starting uni again 2moro so I think that's the main reason my panic has been building*

Yes I agree Rois..

*I had to leave 15 mins later cos of the panic. I told them I felt really faint (which I did) and phoned in sick yesterday but I just sat around feeling depressed all day thinking "is this all there is to my life?"*

Rois , I really really don't mean this to sound as hard as its going to sound but next time wait till do you do faint before you leave. You're probably still find yourself there at the end of the shift.. I felt a degree of dizzyness for several months continually some dire and some easier and never fainted and if you haven'y yet , its highly unlikely to happen now.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

25-09-05, 16:31
Hi Rois,
Firstly, thank you for replying to my post, it was lovely, especially as you are feeling like crap lately.
I agree that the panic is being made worse by the fact that you start uni tomorrow. I have learnt from experience that if you worry about these things it, the anxiety builds up and builds up until you are in a complete panic. Do you at the moment, or have you tried relaxtion and breathing exercises?
Maybe that would help to keep the anxiety at a controlable level...
I wish you all the very best
Good Luck with Uni
Take Care

25-09-05, 20:25
Hi Rois,

Sorry to hear you had a bad weekend. Anticipatory anxiety is often the worst! Good luck with Uni tomorrow I hope all goes well.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

27-09-05, 11:37
well I went to an introductory meeting at uni yesterday and stayed for the hour probably cos my dad was waiting outside for me cos of the state I was in yesterday beforehand. I haven't stopped crying and am dreading going in toay for a two hour lecture, I have made another appointment with my doc for 2moro and hope he'll send me to a counsellor, thanx for the advice. I also made it thru work last night so that's something.

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

27-09-05, 14:12
Hope you're feeling better today.

Take care,
Roz x

'All I want is to be normally insane' Marlon Brando

27-09-05, 14:57
Hope all goes well at uni today Rois!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

27-09-05, 16:04
Hi Rois

Well done for getting to the introductory meeting and work yesterday.

Hope the lecture goes ok for you today.

Seeing your doctor with a view to some counselling sounds like a good step to take.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.